This data study explores integrating vegetable into cereal-legume cropping productions systems in Ghana. Project title: AfricaRISING - Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-based Farming Systems in the Guinea-Sudan-Savanna of Ghana and Mali. Project abstract: Four vegetable crops will be compared across subsets of 30-50 households in each of the 3 northern regions using two planting densities and they are Amaranth for Upper West Region, Jute Mallow for the Northern region and Roselle for the Upper East region. Three fruit vegetables (Okra in all the regions), African eggplant and tomato in the other two regions and one spice vegetable (Pepper), in all the three regions. Project website: http://africa-rising.netIFPRI1; Africa Risin
This data study contains cost-benefit analysis data for different vegetable technologies. Project ti...
We conduct a scoping study to establish determinant sociological, infrastructural, biological, and a...
This study contains data on pest and disease incidence. Project title: Africa RISING. Project abstra...
This data study explores integrating vegetable into cereal-legume cropping productions systems in Gh...
This data study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in no...
This research was undertaken aiming to improve farm fied productivity and profitability in Mali. In ...
This data study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in no...
This data study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in no...
This study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in norther...
This study contains data from different cereal legume rotation systems in northern Ghana. Project ti...
Establishment of demonstration plots on improved crop varieties (maize, groundnuts, soybeans and bea...
Project title: Africa RISING-Yield of Maize-Vegetable Intercrop as Influenced by Varying Plant Densi...
This data study contains data related to participatory variety selection (PVS) and double cropping o...
This data study contains household and community survey data in support of Africa RISING farming sys...
Project title: Africa RISING-Spraying Regime Effects on the Grain Yield of Cowpea Varieties in North...
This data study contains cost-benefit analysis data for different vegetable technologies. Project ti...
We conduct a scoping study to establish determinant sociological, infrastructural, biological, and a...
This study contains data on pest and disease incidence. Project title: Africa RISING. Project abstra...
This data study explores integrating vegetable into cereal-legume cropping productions systems in Gh...
This data study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in no...
This research was undertaken aiming to improve farm fied productivity and profitability in Mali. In ...
This data study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in no...
This data study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in no...
This study explores raising and sustaining productivity in cereal-legume cropping systems in norther...
This study contains data from different cereal legume rotation systems in northern Ghana. Project ti...
Establishment of demonstration plots on improved crop varieties (maize, groundnuts, soybeans and bea...
Project title: Africa RISING-Yield of Maize-Vegetable Intercrop as Influenced by Varying Plant Densi...
This data study contains data related to participatory variety selection (PVS) and double cropping o...
This data study contains household and community survey data in support of Africa RISING farming sys...
Project title: Africa RISING-Spraying Regime Effects on the Grain Yield of Cowpea Varieties in North...
This data study contains cost-benefit analysis data for different vegetable technologies. Project ti...
We conduct a scoping study to establish determinant sociological, infrastructural, biological, and a...
This study contains data on pest and disease incidence. Project title: Africa RISING. Project abstra...