The contiguous polysynthetic twin lamellae in labradorite from Labrador and in andesine from Sannidal are not always the same sort of plagioclase. In some cases, one side lamella is built up from a high albite lattice, while the other side lamella from an intermediate plagioclase lattice, whose X-ray photograph is characterized by pairs of weak (e)-reflexions
A subsolidus temperature-composition diagram for the calcic portion of the system NaAlSilOrCaAl2Si2O...
Twinning patterns, optical angles, Kohler angles, and other optical properties and chemical composit...
Myrmekitic and non-myrmekitic plagioclase compositions in gneisses from Broken Hill, New South Wales...
Abstract: The plagioclase twin associations found as crystal-lapilli in tephra and megacrysts in hig...
SUMMARY. Compositions of An61 and An69. 5 have been determined for two domains in plagioclase from a...
The crystal structure of a strained intermediate microcline (a: 8.643, b: 12.929, c:?.190,4; a = 90...
The enigmatic Bøggild intergrowth in iridescent labradorite crystals was revisited in light of recen...
The twinning laws of plagioclase are useful in geology and petrology. For example, some plagioclase ...
Key Characteristics: Low relief, colorless nature, polysynthetic twinning and oscillatory zoning are...
Key Characteristics: The mineral's low relief, lack of color and tartan twinning are characteristic....
International audienceA new twin in staurolite has been recently reported from Coray (Brittany, Fran...
Twin-structures in microcline specimens from granite pegmatites were studied by polarized light micr...
Plagioclase-sanidine intergrowths that resemble perthite have been grown directly from ternary felds...
< T\/",X7 Wenk, E. and Glauser, A.: A new type of interpenetration twin of labradorite from ...
Chemical and structural zoning in plagioclase can develop in response to a number of different magma...
A subsolidus temperature-composition diagram for the calcic portion of the system NaAlSilOrCaAl2Si2O...
Twinning patterns, optical angles, Kohler angles, and other optical properties and chemical composit...
Myrmekitic and non-myrmekitic plagioclase compositions in gneisses from Broken Hill, New South Wales...
Abstract: The plagioclase twin associations found as crystal-lapilli in tephra and megacrysts in hig...
SUMMARY. Compositions of An61 and An69. 5 have been determined for two domains in plagioclase from a...
The crystal structure of a strained intermediate microcline (a: 8.643, b: 12.929, c:?.190,4; a = 90...
The enigmatic Bøggild intergrowth in iridescent labradorite crystals was revisited in light of recen...
The twinning laws of plagioclase are useful in geology and petrology. For example, some plagioclase ...
Key Characteristics: Low relief, colorless nature, polysynthetic twinning and oscillatory zoning are...
Key Characteristics: The mineral's low relief, lack of color and tartan twinning are characteristic....
International audienceA new twin in staurolite has been recently reported from Coray (Brittany, Fran...
Twin-structures in microcline specimens from granite pegmatites were studied by polarized light micr...
Plagioclase-sanidine intergrowths that resemble perthite have been grown directly from ternary felds...
< T\/",X7 Wenk, E. and Glauser, A.: A new type of interpenetration twin of labradorite from ...
Chemical and structural zoning in plagioclase can develop in response to a number of different magma...
A subsolidus temperature-composition diagram for the calcic portion of the system NaAlSilOrCaAl2Si2O...
Twinning patterns, optical angles, Kohler angles, and other optical properties and chemical composit...
Myrmekitic and non-myrmekitic plagioclase compositions in gneisses from Broken Hill, New South Wales...