単純性尿路感染症75症例, 複雑性尿路感染症63症例に対しTFLX (450 mg/day, 分3)を投与した.1)単純性では全例に起炎菌の消失をみ, 100%の臨床効果がえられたが, グラム陽性菌に菌交代したものが3例みられた.2)複雑性では起炎菌の消失は38例にみられ, 菌存続は16例に, 菌交代は9例にみられた.総合臨床効果は46例にみられたが, P. aeruginosa, S. marcescensを起炎菌とするものには効果が低かった.3)副作用はTFLX投与の161例につき検討し, 2例に腹部症状をみたが, いずれも軽微であり重篤なものはなかった.以上より尿路感染症症例に対するTFLX投与は安全でかつ有用な治療法であると思われたWe evaluated a newly developed quinolone agent, tosurofloxacin (TFLX), for its safety and clinical efficacy on patients with urinary tract infections (UTI). Among 138 cases satisfying the UTI criteria, 75 cases were acute simple UTI and 63 cases were chronic complicated UTI. In principle, a daily dose of 450 mg of TFLX was administered for 3 days and for 5 days for acute simple UTI and for chronic complicated UTI, respecti...
To evaluate its clinical effects and safety in conformity with the estimations of efficacy of antimi...
Objectives: Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects 150 million people worldwide each year. The rise i...
AUC 22例とCC-UTI 51例に投与した.1) AUC 1日1回100 mg, 3日間投与を主とした結果, UTI判定基準(19例)で100%の有効率(著効率78.9%)をえた.2) CC-UT...
1)複雑性尿路感染症患者例を対象としてCTRX 1.0 gを1日1回投与した場合の効果をUTI評価基準に基づいて判定した.2)その結果, Excellent 20%, Moderate 65%, Po...
複雑性尿路感染症28例にCTTを投与した.1)総合臨床効果は著効12例(42.9%), 有効10例(35.7%), 無効6例(21.6%), 総合有効率78.6%であった.2)治療前の分離細菌は10種...
The results of comparative trials of fluoroquinolones for the treatment of uncomplicated and complic...
Introduction: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common causes of sepsis presenting ...
Amaç: Akut komplikasyonsuz idrar yolu enfeksiyonlarının ampirik tedavisinde kullanılmakta olan trime...
Background: UTIs are one of the most common infectious diseases encountered in out-patient departmen...
Aim: Medicines for treatment Urinary tractinfections in common population are ineffective due to lon...
SUMMARY: The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy and safety of single-dose prulifloxacin vs...
To evaluate its clinical effects and safety in conformity with the estimations of efficacy of antimi...
Objectives: Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects 150 million people worldwide each year. The rise i...
AUC 22例とCC-UTI 51例に投与した.1) AUC 1日1回100 mg, 3日間投与を主とした結果, UTI判定基準(19例)で100%の有効率(著効率78.9%)をえた.2) CC-UT...
1)複雑性尿路感染症患者例を対象としてCTRX 1.0 gを1日1回投与した場合の効果をUTI評価基準に基づいて判定した.2)その結果, Excellent 20%, Moderate 65%, Po...
複雑性尿路感染症28例にCTTを投与した.1)総合臨床効果は著効12例(42.9%), 有効10例(35.7%), 無効6例(21.6%), 総合有効率78.6%であった.2)治療前の分離細菌は10種...
The results of comparative trials of fluoroquinolones for the treatment of uncomplicated and complic...
Introduction: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common causes of sepsis presenting ...
Amaç: Akut komplikasyonsuz idrar yolu enfeksiyonlarının ampirik tedavisinde kullanılmakta olan trime...
Background: UTIs are one of the most common infectious diseases encountered in out-patient departmen...
Aim: Medicines for treatment Urinary tractinfections in common population are ineffective due to lon...
SUMMARY: The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy and safety of single-dose prulifloxacin vs...
To evaluate its clinical effects and safety in conformity with the estimations of efficacy of antimi...
Objectives: Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects 150 million people worldwide each year. The rise i...