The review presents data on the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of osteopenic syndrome for patients with diabetes mellitus.В обзоре представлены данные по эпидемиологии, этиологии, патогенезу, клинике, диагностике, современному лечению и мониторингу остеопенического синдрома при сахарном диабете у мужчин.В огляді представлені матеріали щодо епідеміології, етіології, патогенезу, клініки, діагностики, сучасного лікування та моніторингу остеопенічного синдрому при цукровому діабеті у чоловіків
1. Л.С. Манукян, В.Т. Кочикян, Н.А. Андреасян, К.Б. Афян, А.М. Балаян. Биолог. журн. Армении, 4 (66)...
Treatment sick with festering-necrotic forms of the diabetic foot to date remains the more actual pr...
In patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 atherogenic dyslipidemia is determined by the i...
The article presents the current data regarding diagnostic of osteoporosis at menopausal female with...
The article is devoted tourgent conditionsat diabetes mellitus.Describes the reasons for the develop...
Modern data on pathogenesis, prevalence, features of diagnostics and therapy a glucocorti coid – in...
It was revealed that the formation of the phase composition of the bone regenerate mineral in condit...
Summary. This literature review describes the role of the different trace elements in the developmen...
In the article the clinical cases of positive clinical experience in patients with diabetes mellitus...
The article presents data of the screening based on determining the levels of fasting glucose, glyco...
The paper deals with the problem of osteoporosis (OP) in patients with chronic somatic diseases. It ...
The article presents the results of a survey of 27 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus without pa...
The guideline presents modern classification, diagnostic algorithms and protocols of complex treatme...
The article provides an overview of the literature data (used by PubMed resource) on the choice of t...
Американская диабетологическая ассоциация (ADA), ежегодно обновляющая свои Клинические Практические ...
1. Л.С. Манукян, В.Т. Кочикян, Н.А. Андреасян, К.Б. Афян, А.М. Балаян. Биолог. журн. Армении, 4 (66)...
Treatment sick with festering-necrotic forms of the diabetic foot to date remains the more actual pr...
In patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 atherogenic dyslipidemia is determined by the i...
The article presents the current data regarding diagnostic of osteoporosis at menopausal female with...
The article is devoted tourgent conditionsat diabetes mellitus.Describes the reasons for the develop...
Modern data on pathogenesis, prevalence, features of diagnostics and therapy a glucocorti coid – in...
It was revealed that the formation of the phase composition of the bone regenerate mineral in condit...
Summary. This literature review describes the role of the different trace elements in the developmen...
In the article the clinical cases of positive clinical experience in patients with diabetes mellitus...
The article presents data of the screening based on determining the levels of fasting glucose, glyco...
The paper deals with the problem of osteoporosis (OP) in patients with chronic somatic diseases. It ...
The article presents the results of a survey of 27 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus without pa...
The guideline presents modern classification, diagnostic algorithms and protocols of complex treatme...
The article provides an overview of the literature data (used by PubMed resource) on the choice of t...
Американская диабетологическая ассоциация (ADA), ежегодно обновляющая свои Клинические Практические ...
1. Л.С. Манукян, В.Т. Кочикян, Н.А. Андреасян, К.Б. Афян, А.М. Балаян. Биолог. журн. Армении, 4 (66)...
Treatment sick with festering-necrotic forms of the diabetic foot to date remains the more actual pr...
In patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2 atherogenic dyslipidemia is determined by the i...