The accounting registers allowing to make accounting and tax accounting closer have been developed.Разработано учѐтные регистры, позволяющие сблизить бухгалтерский и налоговый учѐт
The article discusses the development trends of automated accounting systemsВ статье рассматриваются...
Стаття присвячена питанням інтеграції національної системи бухгалтерського обліку, згідно міжнародни...
Kuter M.I., Gurskaya M.M., Andreenkova A.S., Bagdasaryan R.A. Do you need traditional archival rese...
The issue of applying the rules of accounting, its organization and the rules of reporting have been...
В статті розглянуто особливості проведення аудиту системи бухгалтерського обліку в сучасних умовах г...
Целью работы является исследование особенностей бухгалтерского и налогового учета объектов основных...
The process of accounting development and improvement in historical aspect has been considered as we...
Секция: Реформирование учета и отчетности . Section REFORM OF ACCOUNTING AND REPORTIN
Shereshovets, A. I.; Parkhomuk, T. S. Accounting automation using the 1C accounting program. Benefit...
Common and distinctive features of financial accounting and accounting itself have been considered.Р...
Ruban, EA Electronic registration of legal entities and business entitiesАКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ ГРАЖДАНС...
The basic directions of improving the methodology for accounting of electronic money based on their ...
The peculiarities of economy changes impact on the development of the national accounting system hav...
Potapova N.V. Professional judgment of an accountant: personal and informational aspectsСЕКЦИЯ 5. АК...
Considered directions harmonization of the accounting system and the system of national accounts in ...
The article discusses the development trends of automated accounting systemsВ статье рассматриваются...
Стаття присвячена питанням інтеграції національної системи бухгалтерського обліку, згідно міжнародни...
Kuter M.I., Gurskaya M.M., Andreenkova A.S., Bagdasaryan R.A. Do you need traditional archival rese...
The issue of applying the rules of accounting, its organization and the rules of reporting have been...
В статті розглянуто особливості проведення аудиту системи бухгалтерського обліку в сучасних умовах г...
Целью работы является исследование особенностей бухгалтерского и налогового учета объектов основных...
The process of accounting development and improvement in historical aspect has been considered as we...
Секция: Реформирование учета и отчетности . Section REFORM OF ACCOUNTING AND REPORTIN
Shereshovets, A. I.; Parkhomuk, T. S. Accounting automation using the 1C accounting program. Benefit...
Common and distinctive features of financial accounting and accounting itself have been considered.Р...
Ruban, EA Electronic registration of legal entities and business entitiesАКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ ГРАЖДАНС...
The basic directions of improving the methodology for accounting of electronic money based on their ...
The peculiarities of economy changes impact on the development of the national accounting system hav...
Potapova N.V. Professional judgment of an accountant: personal and informational aspectsСЕКЦИЯ 5. АК...
Considered directions harmonization of the accounting system and the system of national accounts in ...
The article discusses the development trends of automated accounting systemsВ статье рассматриваются...
Стаття присвячена питанням інтеграції національної системи бухгалтерського обліку, згідно міжнародни...
Kuter M.I., Gurskaya M.M., Andreenkova A.S., Bagdasaryan R.A. Do you need traditional archival rese...