Східчаста терапія вагінального дисбіозу: мозаїка доказів

  • Лахно, И. В.
  • Грищенко, О. В.
Publication date
April 2016
ООО "Трилист"


Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of pathological discharges in women of reproductive age. The known coexistence of Garnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae and anaerobic microorganisms in biofilms reduces the bioavailability of the antibacterial drugs.The aim of the work was to study the efficacy of stepped prescription of hexicon and livarol in patients with bacterial vaginosis . There were examined 125 women of reproductive age. In group I, under the supervision were 30 healthy women. In group II, 47 patients were examined with bacterial vaginosis, whom was administered metronidazole vaginal suppositories 1 suppository daily for 7 days and fluconazole 150 mg once. In group III, 48 women with bacterial vaginosis used stepped app...

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