A method for the experimental determination of an explosive pulse of an explosive for charges of arbitrary diameter is consideredРассмотрен метод экспериментального определения взрывного импульса взрывчатого вещества для зарядов произвольного диаметраРозглянуто метод експериментального визначення вибухового імпульсу вибухової речовини для зарядів довільного діаметр
Here is given the review of use of acoustic emission method for classification of signal source emis...
The method of location of sensors based on the compound dynamic system technology in the area of eme...
Existence of unifrequent fluctuation in resonant system with a piece of a round wave guide is establ...
Results of development, experimental studies and field tests of special explosive rounds designed to...
The results of the analysis of the thermodynamic characteristics of new nonstructural explosives - t...
The questions of creation in Ukraine of the certification body of explosive materials and a network ...
Проаналізовані спеціальні технічні засоби виявлення вибухових матеріалів. Запропоновано підходи до в...
Using band model camouflet explosion of a cylindrical charge hirskyhporodah the influence of the cha...
This article presents the results of the experimental and theoretical analysis of the interactionof ...
Considered is a computer system for differential thermal analysis of low melting metals and |oys usi...
The results of investigations of the influence of the length of the block on the parameters of the e...
СHERNIKOV I. A. The heattechnical equipment with the pulsing burningВ настоящей статье рассматривают...
A method for comparing the data of experimental and estimated meteor AТСРассмотрен способ сопоставле...
The analysis of experimental data on the relationship between power and performance chasovыh stress ...
В роботі запропонована математична модель, що дозволяє розрахувати тиск від ударної хвилі, що діє на...
Here is given the review of use of acoustic emission method for classification of signal source emis...
The method of location of sensors based on the compound dynamic system technology in the area of eme...
Existence of unifrequent fluctuation in resonant system with a piece of a round wave guide is establ...
Results of development, experimental studies and field tests of special explosive rounds designed to...
The results of the analysis of the thermodynamic characteristics of new nonstructural explosives - t...
The questions of creation in Ukraine of the certification body of explosive materials and a network ...
Проаналізовані спеціальні технічні засоби виявлення вибухових матеріалів. Запропоновано підходи до в...
Using band model camouflet explosion of a cylindrical charge hirskyhporodah the influence of the cha...
This article presents the results of the experimental and theoretical analysis of the interactionof ...
Considered is a computer system for differential thermal analysis of low melting metals and |oys usi...
The results of investigations of the influence of the length of the block on the parameters of the e...
СHERNIKOV I. A. The heattechnical equipment with the pulsing burningВ настоящей статье рассматривают...
A method for comparing the data of experimental and estimated meteor AТСРассмотрен способ сопоставле...
The analysis of experimental data on the relationship between power and performance chasovыh stress ...
В роботі запропонована математична модель, що дозволяє розрахувати тиск від ударної хвилі, що діє на...
Here is given the review of use of acoustic emission method for classification of signal source emis...
The method of location of sensors based on the compound dynamic system technology in the area of eme...
Existence of unifrequent fluctuation in resonant system with a piece of a round wave guide is establ...