The article is a continuation of a set of the author’s previous publications about the reliability of the microprocessorbased protective devices. The statistical data introduced by the author, coincide with data of other authors and confirm higher reliability of electromechanical relays in comparison with microprocessor-based. The inadequacy of the criterion for estimating the reliability of the protective relay is noted and a new normalized criterion for such estimation is offered by authorСтатья является продолжением цикла публикаций автора, посвященных надежности микропроцессорных устройств релейной защиты. Приведенные в статье статистические данные, полученные автором, совпадают с данными других авторов и подтверждают более высокую наде...
The article describes the process of terminology selection for sociological terminology dictionary a...
The problem of naturally-language text understanding design is examined in work. Certain and expound...
The modeling and calculation object is the front rack of landing gear of the aircraft. To solve the ...
The fourth state of water is aqueous vapor which, under power action of magnetic-field strength at C...
In the article, prevalence, risk factors, pathogenetic mechanisms for the formation of cognitive imp...
Ovarian cysts are considered rare in pediatric practice. Ovarian tumors occur in 1% of all tumors in...
Architecture and algorithms for functioning of a new neural network based on the discrete bidirectio...
The analysis of static errors of multi-bit tracking ADC, built on inaccurate DAC with weight redunda...
In this paper we considered the value of the determination of kinematic viscosity of vegetable oils ...
Самотієвич, В. О. Кримінологічний аналіз посадових злочинів, вчинених працівниками ОВС України прот...
Modern conditions of international economic integration provide the necessity of forming the physica...
The rapid development of information technologies and computer technics opens new possibilities for ...
Using the method of Green functions we found the four-vector potential and electromagnetic field of...
The corruption problem is still topical and represents the interest for administrative legal science...
In a modern, dynamic, rapidly developing society, knowledge of foreign languages (FL) is an indispen...
The article describes the process of terminology selection for sociological terminology dictionary a...
The problem of naturally-language text understanding design is examined in work. Certain and expound...
The modeling and calculation object is the front rack of landing gear of the aircraft. To solve the ...
The fourth state of water is aqueous vapor which, under power action of magnetic-field strength at C...
In the article, prevalence, risk factors, pathogenetic mechanisms for the formation of cognitive imp...
Ovarian cysts are considered rare in pediatric practice. Ovarian tumors occur in 1% of all tumors in...
Architecture and algorithms for functioning of a new neural network based on the discrete bidirectio...
The analysis of static errors of multi-bit tracking ADC, built on inaccurate DAC with weight redunda...
In this paper we considered the value of the determination of kinematic viscosity of vegetable oils ...
Самотієвич, В. О. Кримінологічний аналіз посадових злочинів, вчинених працівниками ОВС України прот...
Modern conditions of international economic integration provide the necessity of forming the physica...
The rapid development of information technologies and computer technics opens new possibilities for ...
Using the method of Green functions we found the four-vector potential and electromagnetic field of...
The corruption problem is still topical and represents the interest for administrative legal science...
In a modern, dynamic, rapidly developing society, knowledge of foreign languages (FL) is an indispen...
The article describes the process of terminology selection for sociological terminology dictionary a...
The problem of naturally-language text understanding design is examined in work. Certain and expound...
The modeling and calculation object is the front rack of landing gear of the aircraft. To solve the ...