The relevance of introduction of the new means and technologies for expeditious definition of rational screw propeller elements at the earliest design stages of the ship is discussed. The question of influence of set calculation parameters in the Flow Vision project on results of calculation is discussed. The aim of researches is the development of methodology which would allow reducing the number of numerical experiments at design of the concrete screw propeller at the expense of recommendations about the choice of the optimum calculation parameters in Flow Vision medium. The turbulence model; the grid dimension; the sizes of the calculation area; the step on time; the templates of adaptation of the grid are experimentally studied. The rec...
One method to drop the aviation outboard block with variable geometry is proposed. For ...
The features of setting of geometrical boundary conditions (fixings and places of application of ope...
In the article the results of the calculations of the kinematic geometric parameters of the cutting ...
Influence of set parameteres on modelling of work of the screw-helmsman system in CFD-package Flow V...
Influence of mesh adaptation on getting accurate aerodynamic characteristics of airflow over wing pr...
The article is dedicated to the optimization of vessel operation at casting of purse net. The aim of...
The procedure for compiling a model of the dynamics of the spatial “roll” of a “heavy” ship, and the...
Представлено численное моделирование турбулентного вязкого течения газа на основе уравнений Навье-Ст...
Propeller's blades angle position is considered as a diagnostic parameter of turboprop engines.Рассм...
The influence of the angle of installation of the blades on the characteristics of aircraft propelle...
The method of multicriteria optimization application for automatized selection of an efficient gas c...
The implementation of the calculation methodology of the principal dimensions of a ship and the ordi...
The article is devoted to results of the numerical decision of the problem about development of the ...
Main subject of study was system of aerodynamic numerical modeling of vertical-axis wind power rotor...
In the article the hydrodynamic parameters of the water flow in the tank with a fixed plane wall (ba...
One method to drop the aviation outboard block with variable geometry is proposed. For ...
The features of setting of geometrical boundary conditions (fixings and places of application of ope...
In the article the results of the calculations of the kinematic geometric parameters of the cutting ...
Influence of set parameteres on modelling of work of the screw-helmsman system in CFD-package Flow V...
Influence of mesh adaptation on getting accurate aerodynamic characteristics of airflow over wing pr...
The article is dedicated to the optimization of vessel operation at casting of purse net. The aim of...
The procedure for compiling a model of the dynamics of the spatial “roll” of a “heavy” ship, and the...
Представлено численное моделирование турбулентного вязкого течения газа на основе уравнений Навье-Ст...
Propeller's blades angle position is considered as a diagnostic parameter of turboprop engines.Рассм...
The influence of the angle of installation of the blades on the characteristics of aircraft propelle...
The method of multicriteria optimization application for automatized selection of an efficient gas c...
The implementation of the calculation methodology of the principal dimensions of a ship and the ordi...
The article is devoted to results of the numerical decision of the problem about development of the ...
Main subject of study was system of aerodynamic numerical modeling of vertical-axis wind power rotor...
In the article the hydrodynamic parameters of the water flow in the tank with a fixed plane wall (ba...
One method to drop the aviation outboard block with variable geometry is proposed. For ...
The features of setting of geometrical boundary conditions (fixings and places of application of ope...
In the article the results of the calculations of the kinematic geometric parameters of the cutting ...