Nowadays the service industry is heavily influenced by a commercialization of theemployees' feelings. In order to gain loyal customers the employees have to be complaisantand accomplish a good relationship with the customers. If the employees are having a badday or are in a bad mood they therefore need to perform emotional labour to be able toexpress the expected feelings related to the service industry. The purpose of this study is tocontribute with knowledge about how the performance of emotional labour work influencesyoung female store employees' private social relations. We also aim to provide anunderstanding of to what extent emotional labour is performed and which other aspects maybe relevant regarding emotional labour. The results of...
The aim of this work is to understand, from a perspective of sociology of emotions, how employees wi...
Kvinnliga undersköterskor inom äldreomsorgen i Sverige är en utsatt grupp där sjukskrivningar är van...
Support nurse is a professional group whose work involves close contact with other people, they are ...
The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how retail employees experience the or...
Vår studie undersöker butikschefer inom servicebranschen föreställningar om det emotionella arbete s...
Hochschild's study of emotional labour, how emotions are handled in wage work involving interaction ...
Syftet med denna uppsats var att sammanställa forskning som belyser socialarbetarens egna erfarenhet...
It is now increasingly common for organisations to work actively with HR issues. Furthermore, it is ...
I denna studie har jag beskrivit delar av socialarbetares emotionella arbete i mötet föräldrar och/e...
In this study we have explored how individuals in long-term, heterosexual relationships experience t...
The aim of this qualitative study of service work in the private sector is to examine how the servic...
Intresset för emotionellt arbete har ökat i linje med att normer om att servicepersonal alltid skall...
Att behöva hantera andra människors emotioner samtidigt som arbetaren förväntades kunna reglera sina...
Uppsatsen belyser den aktuella emotionella arbetssituationen avseende yrkesverksamma socialsekretera...
This is a qualitative study with the purpose of examining the emotional labor affecting socialworker...
The aim of this work is to understand, from a perspective of sociology of emotions, how employees wi...
Kvinnliga undersköterskor inom äldreomsorgen i Sverige är en utsatt grupp där sjukskrivningar är van...
Support nurse is a professional group whose work involves close contact with other people, they are ...
The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how retail employees experience the or...
Vår studie undersöker butikschefer inom servicebranschen föreställningar om det emotionella arbete s...
Hochschild's study of emotional labour, how emotions are handled in wage work involving interaction ...
Syftet med denna uppsats var att sammanställa forskning som belyser socialarbetarens egna erfarenhet...
It is now increasingly common for organisations to work actively with HR issues. Furthermore, it is ...
I denna studie har jag beskrivit delar av socialarbetares emotionella arbete i mötet föräldrar och/e...
In this study we have explored how individuals in long-term, heterosexual relationships experience t...
The aim of this qualitative study of service work in the private sector is to examine how the servic...
Intresset för emotionellt arbete har ökat i linje med att normer om att servicepersonal alltid skall...
Att behöva hantera andra människors emotioner samtidigt som arbetaren förväntades kunna reglera sina...
Uppsatsen belyser den aktuella emotionella arbetssituationen avseende yrkesverksamma socialsekretera...
This is a qualitative study with the purpose of examining the emotional labor affecting socialworker...
The aim of this work is to understand, from a perspective of sociology of emotions, how employees wi...
Kvinnliga undersköterskor inom äldreomsorgen i Sverige är en utsatt grupp där sjukskrivningar är van...
Support nurse is a professional group whose work involves close contact with other people, they are ...