We prove that the generalized Liénard polynomial differential system x'=y^2p-1, y'=-x^2q-1 - f(x) y^2n-1, where p, q, and n are positive integers; is a small parameter; and f(x) is a polynomial of degree m which can have [m/2] limit cycles, where [x] is the integer part function of x
We consider the family of polynomial differential systems $$\displaylines{ x' = x+( \alpha y-\beta...
In this paper we study the existence and non-existence of limit cycles for the class of polynomial d...
For a given algebraic curve of degree $n$, we exhibit differential systems of degree greater than or...
AbstractThe generalized Liénard equations of the form: ẋ = h(y) − F(x), ẏ = −g(x) where F, g, and ...
Agraïments: The second author has been supported by the grant AGAUR PIV-DGR-2010 and by FCT through ...
AbstractWe shall give two criteria for the uniqueness of limit cycles of systems of Liénard type ẋ ...
Agraïments: This work is partially supported by grant CONACYT-58968.Applying the averaging theory of...
AbstractWe consider a class of planar differential equations which include the Liénard differential ...
AbstractFor Liénard systems x˙=y, y˙=−fm(x)y−gn(x) with fm and gn real polynomials of degree m and n...
A recent theory developed by Wang (2004) for the solution of the second part of Hilbert’s 16th probl...
AbstractIn this paper we study the limit cycles of the Liénard differential system of the form x¨+f(...
Liénard systems and their generalized forms are classical and important models of nonlinear oscillat...
We study the number of limit cycles which can bifurcate from the periodic orbits of a linear center ...
AbstractWe estimate for the maximal number of limit cycles bifurcating from a focus for the Liénard ...
For $\varepsilon$ small we consider the number of limit cycles of the polynomial differential syste...
We consider the family of polynomial differential systems $$\displaylines{ x' = x+( \alpha y-\beta...
In this paper we study the existence and non-existence of limit cycles for the class of polynomial d...
For a given algebraic curve of degree $n$, we exhibit differential systems of degree greater than or...
AbstractThe generalized Liénard equations of the form: ẋ = h(y) − F(x), ẏ = −g(x) where F, g, and ...
Agraïments: The second author has been supported by the grant AGAUR PIV-DGR-2010 and by FCT through ...
AbstractWe shall give two criteria for the uniqueness of limit cycles of systems of Liénard type ẋ ...
Agraïments: This work is partially supported by grant CONACYT-58968.Applying the averaging theory of...
AbstractWe consider a class of planar differential equations which include the Liénard differential ...
AbstractFor Liénard systems x˙=y, y˙=−fm(x)y−gn(x) with fm and gn real polynomials of degree m and n...
A recent theory developed by Wang (2004) for the solution of the second part of Hilbert’s 16th probl...
AbstractIn this paper we study the limit cycles of the Liénard differential system of the form x¨+f(...
Liénard systems and their generalized forms are classical and important models of nonlinear oscillat...
We study the number of limit cycles which can bifurcate from the periodic orbits of a linear center ...
AbstractWe estimate for the maximal number of limit cycles bifurcating from a focus for the Liénard ...
For $\varepsilon$ small we consider the number of limit cycles of the polynomial differential syste...
We consider the family of polynomial differential systems $$\displaylines{ x' = x+( \alpha y-\beta...
In this paper we study the existence and non-existence of limit cycles for the class of polynomial d...
For a given algebraic curve of degree $n$, we exhibit differential systems of degree greater than or...