Asistirana reprodukcija podrazumijeva zahvate kojima u kontroliranim uvjetima rasplodujemo životinje i utjecemo na genetsku selekciju širenjem poželjne genetike prema željenim proizvodnim svojstvima. Usvajanje i primjena postupaka asistirane reprodukcije u rasplodivanju domacih životinja ima dalekosežne posljedice u komercijalnom uzgoju stoke. Umjetno osjemenjivanje, embriotransfer i proizvodnja zametaka in vitro stabilne su tehnologije koje se sustavno primjenjuju u uzgojnim programima diljem svijeta omogucavajuci brzi genetski napredak, skracenje generacijskog intervala, kontrolu zaraznih bolesti i smanjenje proizvodnih troškova. Osim genetskog napretka, primjena ovih biotehnologija u rasplodivanju životinja omogucuje i trgovinu ...
Kako bi se postigla što bolja reproduktivna učinkovitost na farmama mliječnih krava, potrebno je im...
Reproductive biotechnology has many potential uses. It can be used to increase the rate of genetic i...
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that have come to stay and are still being improved upon in...
Asistirana reprodukcija podrazumijeva zahvate kojima u kontroliranim uvjetima rasplodujemo životinj...
More than five decades of research in reproductive biology have resulting in the development of biot...
Biotehnologija rasploĎivanja podrazumijeva zahvate kojima pod kontroliranim uvjetima vršimo rasploĎi...
Commercialization of animal biotechnologies, including those related to reproduction [also known as ...
The urge for the control of reproductive processes in animals has propelled a great gain in knowledg...
Cattle production and the beef and dairy industry are important sources of financial revenue for the...
Brojne životinjske vrste na Zemlji su životno ugrožene. Napretkom industrije i tehnologije čovjek n...
Animal reproduction has enjoyed the most impact and progress of all the animal sciences in the devel...
継続後誌:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 = Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki UniversityFor the efficien...
This bachelor thesis is focused on description of basic biotechnological methods used in cattle bre...
The bachelor thesis is focused on reproductive and biotechnological methods in dairy cattle breeding...
Visoka plodnost svinja temeljni je element uspješne svinjogojske proizvodnje. Svinje su najplodnije ...
Kako bi se postigla što bolja reproduktivna učinkovitost na farmama mliječnih krava, potrebno je im...
Reproductive biotechnology has many potential uses. It can be used to increase the rate of genetic i...
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that have come to stay and are still being improved upon in...
Asistirana reprodukcija podrazumijeva zahvate kojima u kontroliranim uvjetima rasplodujemo životinj...
More than five decades of research in reproductive biology have resulting in the development of biot...
Biotehnologija rasploĎivanja podrazumijeva zahvate kojima pod kontroliranim uvjetima vršimo rasploĎi...
Commercialization of animal biotechnologies, including those related to reproduction [also known as ...
The urge for the control of reproductive processes in animals has propelled a great gain in knowledg...
Cattle production and the beef and dairy industry are important sources of financial revenue for the...
Brojne životinjske vrste na Zemlji su životno ugrožene. Napretkom industrije i tehnologije čovjek n...
Animal reproduction has enjoyed the most impact and progress of all the animal sciences in the devel...
継続後誌:近畿大学先端技術総合研究所紀要 = Memoirs of Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki UniversityFor the efficien...
This bachelor thesis is focused on description of basic biotechnological methods used in cattle bre...
The bachelor thesis is focused on reproductive and biotechnological methods in dairy cattle breeding...
Visoka plodnost svinja temeljni je element uspješne svinjogojske proizvodnje. Svinje su najplodnije ...
Kako bi se postigla što bolja reproduktivna učinkovitost na farmama mliječnih krava, potrebno je im...
Reproductive biotechnology has many potential uses. It can be used to increase the rate of genetic i...
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that have come to stay and are still being improved upon in...