Monoamin-oksidaza B (MAO B) je flavoenzim koji regulira razinu endogenih i egzogenih amina u organizmu, uključujući neurotransmitere u mozgu. Predstavlja glavnu farmakološku metu u terapiji Parkinsonove i Alzheimerove bolesti. U sklopu ove disertacije proučen je mehanizam inhibicije MAO B ireverzibilnim selektivnim propargilaminskim inhibitorima, razagilinom i selegilinom te njihovim derivatima desmetilselegilinom i N-metilrazagilinom. Kvantno-kemijskom analizom unutar klasternog modela pokazano je da se inhibicija odvija u tri koraka. U prvom koraku, koji određuje ukupnu brzinu reakcije, flavinski kofaktor odcjepljuje hidridni ion s α-metilenske skupine supstrata. Dobiveni reakcijski profili i konačna struktura inhibiranog enzima u skladu ...
The neurological disorder is a concerning problem in the present social scenario. The malfunction of...
12th Amine Oxidase and Trace Amines Workshop (AO 2006) -- JUL 30-AUG 03, 2006 -- Rotterdam, NETHERLA...
Monoamine oxidase is a flavoenzyme bound to the mitochondrial outer membranes of the cells, which is...
Monoamin-oksidaza B (MAO B) je flavoenzim koji regulira razinu endogenih i egzogenih amina u organiz...
Pozadina: Monoamin oksidaza B (MAO-B) flavoenzim je odgovoran za metabolizam endogenih i egzogenih a...
Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are flavin adenine dinucleotide containing flavoenzymes that catalyze the ...
We wstępie niniejszej pracy opisany został enzym monoaminooksydaza. Praca zawiera krótki rys history...
Funding:RRR, AA, SH and SB are grateful to COST Action CA13153 for facilitating their collaboration ...
Monoamine oxidase B (MAO B) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of aryalkylamines neurotransmitters ...
Funding: EU COST Action CM1103.Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) catalyse the oxidation of neurotransmitter ...
Monoamine oxidases (MAO) A and B are flavin adenine dinucleotides containing enzymes bound to the mi...
Monoamine oxidases (MAO) influence the monoamine levels in brain by virtue of their role in neurotra...
HIGHLIGHTS Computational techniques provide accurate descriptions of the structure and dynamics of b...
Klinična depresija je poglaviten vzrok invalidnosti in pomemben dejavnik tveganja za samomor, ki je ...
Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are an important group of enzymes involved in the degradation of neurotran...
The neurological disorder is a concerning problem in the present social scenario. The malfunction of...
12th Amine Oxidase and Trace Amines Workshop (AO 2006) -- JUL 30-AUG 03, 2006 -- Rotterdam, NETHERLA...
Monoamine oxidase is a flavoenzyme bound to the mitochondrial outer membranes of the cells, which is...
Monoamin-oksidaza B (MAO B) je flavoenzim koji regulira razinu endogenih i egzogenih amina u organiz...
Pozadina: Monoamin oksidaza B (MAO-B) flavoenzim je odgovoran za metabolizam endogenih i egzogenih a...
Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are flavin adenine dinucleotide containing flavoenzymes that catalyze the ...
We wstępie niniejszej pracy opisany został enzym monoaminooksydaza. Praca zawiera krótki rys history...
Funding:RRR, AA, SH and SB are grateful to COST Action CA13153 for facilitating their collaboration ...
Monoamine oxidase B (MAO B) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of aryalkylamines neurotransmitters ...
Funding: EU COST Action CM1103.Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) catalyse the oxidation of neurotransmitter ...
Monoamine oxidases (MAO) A and B are flavin adenine dinucleotides containing enzymes bound to the mi...
Monoamine oxidases (MAO) influence the monoamine levels in brain by virtue of their role in neurotra...
HIGHLIGHTS Computational techniques provide accurate descriptions of the structure and dynamics of b...
Klinična depresija je poglaviten vzrok invalidnosti in pomemben dejavnik tveganja za samomor, ki je ...
Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) are an important group of enzymes involved in the degradation of neurotran...
The neurological disorder is a concerning problem in the present social scenario. The malfunction of...
12th Amine Oxidase and Trace Amines Workshop (AO 2006) -- JUL 30-AUG 03, 2006 -- Rotterdam, NETHERLA...
Monoamine oxidase is a flavoenzyme bound to the mitochondrial outer membranes of the cells, which is...