Objectives of this study were to understand how opaque-2 (o2) mutation and quality protein maize (QPM) affect maize kernel composition and starch structure, property, and enzyme digestibility. Kernels of o2 maize contained less protein (9.6-12.5%) than those of the wild-type (WT) counterparts (12.7-13.3%). Kernels of a severe o2 mutant B46o2 also contained less starch (66.9%) than those of B46wt (73.0%). B46o2 and QPM starches contained less amylose (28.0 and 26.0%, respectively) than others (31.9-33.7%). The B46o2 starch also consisted of amylopectin with the fewest branch chains of DP 13-24. Thus, the B46o2 starch was the most susceptible to porcine pancreatic R-amylase (PPA) hydrolysis. Starches of the dry-ground o2 maize and QPM were hy...