The time is fast approaching when seed producers need to be looking for early symptoms of leaf diseases in seed corn. Eyespot (Aureobasidium zeae), common rust (Puccinia sorghi), gray leaf spot (Cercospora zeae-maydis), and northern leaf spot (Bipolaris zeicola, also known as Helminthosporium carbonum) are diseases that can cause losses in seed corn production and sometimes need to be controlled with a fungicide application. In addition, Northern leaf blight (Exserohilum turcicum) seems to be making a comeback in some areas
Establishing an even distribution of crop residue while harvesting is critical in stopping soil eros...
Cool weather this year has resulted in different soybean diseases than we have experienced in other ...
With concerns this spring about nitrogen (N) fertilizer availability and pricing, perhaps you are co...
With all of the corn planted and most of the soybean, now is the time to start evaluating plant stan...
Seed treatments for corn have traditionally been used for the control of seedling diseases caused by...
Seedling diseases cause stand reduction in soybean in the spring season, with severity varying from ...
The seedling disease problems that have plagued some fields in Iowa have evolved into crown rot prob...
In the 2005 growing season, we observed different soybean diseases, and no single soybean disease be...
There is considerable interest across Iowa and the whole Corn Belt in applying fungicides to field c...
This growing season, Iowa soybean producers have seen several diseases, a few of which affect seed q...
Soybeans will be small seeded. In some cases, the seeds will be flat or oblong chips rather than dev...
Nearly every year, adverse weather and crop conditions result in lodged corn in a few fields in the ...
Several areas of Iowa last week experienced strong winds along with thunderstorms. Fortunately, thes...
The warm, wet conditions that have existed across much of Iowa over the past couple of weeks have be...
Stalk borers are notorious for killing or stunting corn rows next to fences, grassed waterways, and ...
Establishing an even distribution of crop residue while harvesting is critical in stopping soil eros...
Cool weather this year has resulted in different soybean diseases than we have experienced in other ...
With concerns this spring about nitrogen (N) fertilizer availability and pricing, perhaps you are co...
With all of the corn planted and most of the soybean, now is the time to start evaluating plant stan...
Seed treatments for corn have traditionally been used for the control of seedling diseases caused by...
Seedling diseases cause stand reduction in soybean in the spring season, with severity varying from ...
The seedling disease problems that have plagued some fields in Iowa have evolved into crown rot prob...
In the 2005 growing season, we observed different soybean diseases, and no single soybean disease be...
There is considerable interest across Iowa and the whole Corn Belt in applying fungicides to field c...
This growing season, Iowa soybean producers have seen several diseases, a few of which affect seed q...
Soybeans will be small seeded. In some cases, the seeds will be flat or oblong chips rather than dev...
Nearly every year, adverse weather and crop conditions result in lodged corn in a few fields in the ...
Several areas of Iowa last week experienced strong winds along with thunderstorms. Fortunately, thes...
The warm, wet conditions that have existed across much of Iowa over the past couple of weeks have be...
Stalk borers are notorious for killing or stunting corn rows next to fences, grassed waterways, and ...
Establishing an even distribution of crop residue while harvesting is critical in stopping soil eros...
Cool weather this year has resulted in different soybean diseases than we have experienced in other ...
With concerns this spring about nitrogen (N) fertilizer availability and pricing, perhaps you are co...