Scouting for alfalfa weevil larvae is not that difficult, although it takes several minutes when done properly. In any alfalfa field, I prefer to start my scouting with a sweep net. A sweep net and a quick and easy method of answering the question, are there alfalfa weevil larvae in the field? By taking 40-50 sweeps in an area, it can easily be determined if larvae are present or not. If larvae are found, then proceed to the stem-sampling technique, which is used to determine the economic threshold. Stem sampling can more accurately determine the population size and the potential for yield loss
Much of the primary fertilizer nitrogen (N) for corn is applied in the spring as pre-plant or sidedr...
Growers and those who advise them receive annual prompting to consider collecting soil samples from ...
Establishing an even distribution of crop residue while harvesting is critical in stopping soil eros...
Somewhere in Iowa this spring, alfalfa weevil populations will exceed economic thresholds and cause ...
Degree-day information indicates that alfalfa weevil larvae have hatched throughout much of southern...
Degree-day information indicates that alfalfa weevil larvae have hatched throughout much of southern...
Degree-day information indicates that alfalfa weevil larvae have hatched throughout much of southern...
Degree-day information indicates that alfalfa weevil larvae are hatching throughout southern Iowa (s...
Scouting for alfalfa weevil larvae can be simplified by first using a sweep net to determine if are ...
An April freeze damaged spring alfalfa regrowth across the state. These stands were weakened and are...
The questions of frost injury on alfalfa (and other forage species) normally come in the fall, with ...
Pinning down precise air and tissue temperatures in a standing alfalfa crop, and then predicting the...
Extended periods of unseasonably warm temperatures during the winter months can lead to reduced wint...
Doing a good job of planting gets the crop up and to canopy faster. Because the canopy controls weed...
In his book, Entomology and Pest Management, Larry Pedigo discusses economic thresholds and the foun...
Much of the primary fertilizer nitrogen (N) for corn is applied in the spring as pre-plant or sidedr...
Growers and those who advise them receive annual prompting to consider collecting soil samples from ...
Establishing an even distribution of crop residue while harvesting is critical in stopping soil eros...
Somewhere in Iowa this spring, alfalfa weevil populations will exceed economic thresholds and cause ...
Degree-day information indicates that alfalfa weevil larvae have hatched throughout much of southern...
Degree-day information indicates that alfalfa weevil larvae have hatched throughout much of southern...
Degree-day information indicates that alfalfa weevil larvae have hatched throughout much of southern...
Degree-day information indicates that alfalfa weevil larvae are hatching throughout southern Iowa (s...
Scouting for alfalfa weevil larvae can be simplified by first using a sweep net to determine if are ...
An April freeze damaged spring alfalfa regrowth across the state. These stands were weakened and are...
The questions of frost injury on alfalfa (and other forage species) normally come in the fall, with ...
Pinning down precise air and tissue temperatures in a standing alfalfa crop, and then predicting the...
Extended periods of unseasonably warm temperatures during the winter months can lead to reduced wint...
Doing a good job of planting gets the crop up and to canopy faster. Because the canopy controls weed...
In his book, Entomology and Pest Management, Larry Pedigo discusses economic thresholds and the foun...
Much of the primary fertilizer nitrogen (N) for corn is applied in the spring as pre-plant or sidedr...
Growers and those who advise them receive annual prompting to consider collecting soil samples from ...
Establishing an even distribution of crop residue while harvesting is critical in stopping soil eros...