A common criticism of Locke's theory of knowledge is that Locke's account of knowledge of existence stands in "formal contradiction" with his general defınition of knowledge. But some Locke scholars have attempted to defend Locke by reinterpreting either Locke's phrase "the perception of the agreement or disagreement of our ideas" or his characterization of existential knowledge, or his general definition of knowledge. In this paper, I argue that these attempts fail to resolve the apparent inconsistency in Locke' s epistemology.Locke'ın varlığın bilgisi hakkındaki yaklaşımının onun kendi genel bilgi tanımı ile "mantıksal olarak çeliştiği" savı, Locke' ın bilgi teorisine yöneltilen yaygın bir eleştiridir. Fakat bazı filozoflar, Locke'ı bu el...