Modern ceramic materials offer many attractive physical and mechanical properties for a wide and rapidly growing range of industrial applications. But the criticality of many of those applications sets technical challenges to the materials and inspection industries. NDE needs may be classified into three groups: controls on manufacturing processes, characterization of material properties, and detection of defects. Good process control techniques, important to all industries, assume even more importance for many ceramics, especially structural ceramics, because of specific characteristics such as a relatively low fracture-toughness. Apart from detection of discrete defects, techniques will also be needed to monitor uniformity of properties, ...
High frequency acoustic imaging represents a powerful technique for the nondestructive evaluation of...
Radiography and several acoustic and thermoacoustic microscopy techniques are investigated for appli...
Reliable NDE techniques for green-state (unfired) ceramics are needed (1) to evaluate ceramic powder...
Ceramic materials can replace metals in many applications requiring high strength and resistance to ...
A combination of favourable characteristic features has led to an increasing application of modern c...
A preliminary evaluation of several nondestructive testing methods for flaw detection in high-temper...
This paper presents the results of a program sponsored by NADC for NASC to develop an ultrasonic sur...
The ultrasonic testing of ceramic materials is a two headed problem. First, the defect must be detec...
A high ultrasound system for the frequency range of 10-200 MHz is used to detect small defects and i...
One of the principal characteristics of the inspection of ceramic materials is the small size of the...
Advanced ceramics have several advantages which make them important materials for structural applica...
The physical and technical basis for the non-destructive testing of components made out of technical...
The scanning laser acoustic microscope (SLAM) is applied to the problem of nondestructive testing of...
Radiographic, ultrasonic, scanning laser acoustic microscopy (SLAM), and thermo-acoustic microscopy ...
The work I shall be describing this afternoon is a recently initiated joint study between Stanford U...
High frequency acoustic imaging represents a powerful technique for the nondestructive evaluation of...
Radiography and several acoustic and thermoacoustic microscopy techniques are investigated for appli...
Reliable NDE techniques for green-state (unfired) ceramics are needed (1) to evaluate ceramic powder...
Ceramic materials can replace metals in many applications requiring high strength and resistance to ...
A combination of favourable characteristic features has led to an increasing application of modern c...
A preliminary evaluation of several nondestructive testing methods for flaw detection in high-temper...
This paper presents the results of a program sponsored by NADC for NASC to develop an ultrasonic sur...
The ultrasonic testing of ceramic materials is a two headed problem. First, the defect must be detec...
A high ultrasound system for the frequency range of 10-200 MHz is used to detect small defects and i...
One of the principal characteristics of the inspection of ceramic materials is the small size of the...
Advanced ceramics have several advantages which make them important materials for structural applica...
The physical and technical basis for the non-destructive testing of components made out of technical...
The scanning laser acoustic microscope (SLAM) is applied to the problem of nondestructive testing of...
Radiographic, ultrasonic, scanning laser acoustic microscopy (SLAM), and thermo-acoustic microscopy ...
The work I shall be describing this afternoon is a recently initiated joint study between Stanford U...
High frequency acoustic imaging represents a powerful technique for the nondestructive evaluation of...
Radiography and several acoustic and thermoacoustic microscopy techniques are investigated for appli...
Reliable NDE techniques for green-state (unfired) ceramics are needed (1) to evaluate ceramic powder...