Assistant Prosecutor Saul S. Danaceau, announced today that the Sheppard case has been reopened , as a result of a tip he heard from a West Virginia woman. She claimed to have knowledge that someone else was in the Sheppard home the night of the murder. Citing a manpower shortage, Mayor Celebrezze refused to assign any of the Cleveland Police to investigate the woman\u27s story. Both Celebrezze and Story gave an indication that they also believed Danaceau was playing politics with the case.
Sam Sheppard\u27s brother, Stephen Sheppard, won a unique commitment from the Cuyahoga County prosec...
The latest developments in this fourth week of the case since the murder of Marilyn Sheppard are pub...
This article reports that police investigators picked up undisclosed evidence in talking with witnes...
After meeting with Safety Director John McCormick, Police Chief Frank Story and Detective Chief Jame...
Chief James McArthur says, an arrest is planned some time in the future; as soon as the investigati...
This article talks about how a former call girl came forward with a hot tip about the 27-month-old...
Homicide detective Robert Schottke testified today that Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard admitted to him on Ju...
Recently discovered evidence implicating Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard will not be disclosed until the futu...
Detectives confident that they have convincing evidence to prove Sam Sheppard murdered his wife. A...
After a locked-door conference with Mayor J. Spencer Houk, Richard S. Weygandt, said I do not have ...
Prosecution and Defense intensify their investigations during the trial\u27s adjournment.https://eng...
Sam Sheppard is still behind bars three years after the July 4, 1954 murder of his wife, Marilyn She...
County detective Carl Rossbach asks Sam Sheppard to come to jail for further interrogation by him an...
Article discusses in-depth the connection that Dr. Lester T. Hoversten had to both Sam & Marilyn She...
Sam Sheppard\u27s brother, Stephen Sheppard, won a unique commitment from the Cuyahoga County prosec...
The latest developments in this fourth week of the case since the murder of Marilyn Sheppard are pub...
This article reports that police investigators picked up undisclosed evidence in talking with witnes...
After meeting with Safety Director John McCormick, Police Chief Frank Story and Detective Chief Jame...
Chief James McArthur says, an arrest is planned some time in the future; as soon as the investigati...
This article talks about how a former call girl came forward with a hot tip about the 27-month-old...
Homicide detective Robert Schottke testified today that Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard admitted to him on Ju...
Recently discovered evidence implicating Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard will not be disclosed until the futu...
Detectives confident that they have convincing evidence to prove Sam Sheppard murdered his wife. A...
After a locked-door conference with Mayor J. Spencer Houk, Richard S. Weygandt, said I do not have ...
Prosecution and Defense intensify their investigations during the trial\u27s adjournment.https://eng...
Sam Sheppard is still behind bars three years after the July 4, 1954 murder of his wife, Marilyn She...
County detective Carl Rossbach asks Sam Sheppard to come to jail for further interrogation by him an...
Article discusses in-depth the connection that Dr. Lester T. Hoversten had to both Sam & Marilyn She...
Sam Sheppard\u27s brother, Stephen Sheppard, won a unique commitment from the Cuyahoga County prosec...
The latest developments in this fourth week of the case since the murder of Marilyn Sheppard are pub...
This article reports that police investigators picked up undisclosed evidence in talking with witnes...