Competencias genéricas en la enseñanza superior a través de los programa de internacionalización. Un estudio cualitativo

  • Rodríguez Izquierdo, Rosa Mª
Publication date
November 2014
Ediciones Complutense


Due to the crucial importance given to competence training in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), this article pretends to achieve a double objective. On first place, it reviews the assessment made by Social Education grade-students’ about generic skills developed throughout the participation in international programs. Second, it explores the potential of these programs as a strategy for the development of generic skills. The study reviews the impact of two internationalization programs (2010-2011 and 2011-2012) belonging to the University Pablo de Olavide. The approach used was a case study research, based on discussion groups. Four focus groups were set up, two for each of the programs studied. There were three criteria for evaluat...

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