Top-dressing phosphate or potash fertilizers isn\u27t a substitute for good fertilizer practices at seeding time, but in many cases it will pay dividends
No other pasture legume now available compares with birdsfoot trefoil in abiliity to withstand conti...
Use of adapted strains of red clover is highly important in getting top yields of forage and seed. H...
Citation: Schuler, Martin Roy. Seedbeds for wheat and grasses. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultu...
Top-dressing phosphate or potash fertilizers isn\u27t a substitute for good fertilizer practices at ...
Iowa State College experiments show that a lot of nitrogren can be cheaply produced by adding a legu...
Lespedeza has a special value as a pasture legume in southern Iowa. It permits a quick and easy meth...
Iowa State College agronomists are now making alternative fertilizer recommendations available for I...
Grain drills do a better job of seeding, but also cost more than endgate seeders. Now, with the deve...
You can use phosphate fertilizer profitably for alfafa and red clover on over two-thirds of Iowa cro...
Soil is a storehouse of fertility is an idea as old as agriculture itself. More recently this idea h...
We believe you now have a greater latitude and more alternatives in soil and crop management than wa...
For every ton of commercial fertilizer that Iowa farmers used 6 years ago, they are now using 9 tons...
Red clover, the old standby rotation legume of our fathers and grandfathers, was shoved back a few y...
Nitrogen fertilizers have been accepted very rapidly in Iowa - so rapidly that on-farm knowledge of ...
Support prices for corn are high and certain. Many Iowa farmers could profitably push their corn yie...
No other pasture legume now available compares with birdsfoot trefoil in abiliity to withstand conti...
Use of adapted strains of red clover is highly important in getting top yields of forage and seed. H...
Citation: Schuler, Martin Roy. Seedbeds for wheat and grasses. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultu...
Top-dressing phosphate or potash fertilizers isn\u27t a substitute for good fertilizer practices at ...
Iowa State College experiments show that a lot of nitrogren can be cheaply produced by adding a legu...
Lespedeza has a special value as a pasture legume in southern Iowa. It permits a quick and easy meth...
Iowa State College agronomists are now making alternative fertilizer recommendations available for I...
Grain drills do a better job of seeding, but also cost more than endgate seeders. Now, with the deve...
You can use phosphate fertilizer profitably for alfafa and red clover on over two-thirds of Iowa cro...
Soil is a storehouse of fertility is an idea as old as agriculture itself. More recently this idea h...
We believe you now have a greater latitude and more alternatives in soil and crop management than wa...
For every ton of commercial fertilizer that Iowa farmers used 6 years ago, they are now using 9 tons...
Red clover, the old standby rotation legume of our fathers and grandfathers, was shoved back a few y...
Nitrogen fertilizers have been accepted very rapidly in Iowa - so rapidly that on-farm knowledge of ...
Support prices for corn are high and certain. Many Iowa farmers could profitably push their corn yie...
No other pasture legume now available compares with birdsfoot trefoil in abiliity to withstand conti...
Use of adapted strains of red clover is highly important in getting top yields of forage and seed. H...
Citation: Schuler, Martin Roy. Seedbeds for wheat and grasses. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultu...