Diplomová práca,, ,,Analysis of boundary conditions of ground heat exchangers,, je primárne zameraná na analýzu okrajových podmienok a hlavných faktorov vplývajúcich na spoľahlivý návrh a prestup tepla plošného zemného výmenníka v oblasti geotermálnych aktivít na kúpeľnom ostrove v Piešťanoch. Posúdenie možných vplyvov na životné prostredie, ako je napríklad vznik tepelných zmien v dôsledku extrakcie tepla vrátane zamŕzania pôdy v okolí potrubia a potenciálneho znečistenia podzemných vôd je taktiež rozoberané. Súčasťou tejto záverečnej práce boli spracované tri numerické analýzy metódou konečných prvkov pomocou softvéru COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6., ktoré sa môžu vyskytnúť v tejto konkrétnej oblasti. Prvá numerická analýza je podrobená štúdii d...
Shallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable devel...
Shallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable devel...
Shallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable devel...
Diplomová práca,, ,,Analysis of boundary conditions of ground heat exchangers,, je primárne zameraná...
A mathematical model of a ground heat exchanger cooperating with a heat pump was presented. The mode...
The article is devoted to temperature changes in the ground massif with the horizontal heat exchange...
Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá zemními výměníky tepla (ZVT) a jejich vlivem na hygienickou k...
In the engineering field there are many applications where it is important to evaluate the heat exch...
The use of ground source heat pumps to transfer heat to and from the ground via borehole heat exchan...
La géothermie peu profonde est une énergie qui peut aider l'humanité à atteindre les objectifs du dé...
The effect on numerical solution of different thermal boundary conditions at the ground surface was ...
RÉSUMÉ: Lors de la conception, de la simulation et du contrôle des systèmes de pompes à chaleur géot...
U- tipo geoterminio šildymo kolektoriai yra patys populiariausi. Tačiau kolektorių gamintojai eksper...
Plitka, potpovršinska, temperatura (na dubinama plićim od 50 m) nije konstantna, niti u prostoru, ni...
Croatian. Plitka, potpovr\u161inska, temperatura (na dubinama pli\u107im od 50 m) nije konstatna, ni...
Shallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable devel...
Shallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable devel...
Shallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable devel...
Diplomová práca,, ,,Analysis of boundary conditions of ground heat exchangers,, je primárne zameraná...
A mathematical model of a ground heat exchanger cooperating with a heat pump was presented. The mode...
The article is devoted to temperature changes in the ground massif with the horizontal heat exchange...
Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá zemními výměníky tepla (ZVT) a jejich vlivem na hygienickou k...
In the engineering field there are many applications where it is important to evaluate the heat exch...
The use of ground source heat pumps to transfer heat to and from the ground via borehole heat exchan...
La géothermie peu profonde est une énergie qui peut aider l'humanité à atteindre les objectifs du dé...
The effect on numerical solution of different thermal boundary conditions at the ground surface was ...
RÉSUMÉ: Lors de la conception, de la simulation et du contrôle des systèmes de pompes à chaleur géot...
U- tipo geoterminio šildymo kolektoriai yra patys populiariausi. Tačiau kolektorių gamintojai eksper...
Plitka, potpovršinska, temperatura (na dubinama plićim od 50 m) nije konstantna, niti u prostoru, ni...
Croatian. Plitka, potpovr\u161inska, temperatura (na dubinama pli\u107im od 50 m) nije konstatna, ni...
Shallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable devel...
Shallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable devel...
Shallow geothermal energy is an energy that can help humanity to reach the goal of sustainable devel...