The unity and tri-unity of God: An analytical appraisal of the biblical and Qur’anic views, The Islamic Quarterly, 36/3, 1992, s. 179-191.Hıristiyanlık ve İslâm Tanrı’nın varlığını savunmaktadırlar. Tanrı inancı her iki dinin inanç sisteminde, imanın ana prensibidir. Tanrı her iki dinde de benzer fonksiyonları yerine getirir. Bu perspektiften bakıldığında, Müslüman ve Hıristiyanların bir ve aynı Tanrı’ya ibadet etmekte olduklarını ileri sürmek, mantıklı görülmektedir. Bu yaklaşım doğrultusunda makale iki doktrini de inceleyerek, Müslüman ve Hıristiyan Tanrı anlayışının, aslında bir ve aynı Tanrı’nın farklı anlaşılmasının bir yansıması olduğunu ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır.Christianity and Islam assert the existence of God. Belief in God is...
This article provides a concept of God in the Christianity. The concept is based on the Islamic pers...
This article tries to observe the understanding of God in Christianity. The researcher chooses Chris...
The Quranic declaration of the oneness of God (tawhid) comes with a startling revelation that God is...
Hem Hıristiyanlar hem de Müslümanlar sadece bir Tanrı olduğuna inanmakta, fakat Müslümanların Hırist...
Doctrines are a part of each religion. To believe in God is a fundamental doctrine in world religion...
Islam affirms that the universe is a unity emanating from a single Will of the Sustaining Lord; and ...
Christians and Muslims both believe that there is only one God, but they differ over how this God is...
The concept, which assumed as consistent with Unity of Being (Pantheism) in the clerical terminology...
This study describes the difference in perspective about the One God in three religions, namely, Yau...
Islam affirms that the universe is a unity emanating from a single Will of the Sustaining Lord; and ...
Unity is a drive towards social stability of a country. Any society and the nation as a whole might ...
Is there similarities between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? If there, where is the similarity? A...
This article provides a concept of God in the Christianity. The concept is based on the Islamic pers...
The Christian Trinitarian doctrine was understood as Tritheism by the Qurʾān and Muslims, at least d...
This study is purposed to show how the Christian and Islamic concepts of monotheism are paradigms an...
This article provides a concept of God in the Christianity. The concept is based on the Islamic pers...
This article tries to observe the understanding of God in Christianity. The researcher chooses Chris...
The Quranic declaration of the oneness of God (tawhid) comes with a startling revelation that God is...
Hem Hıristiyanlar hem de Müslümanlar sadece bir Tanrı olduğuna inanmakta, fakat Müslümanların Hırist...
Doctrines are a part of each religion. To believe in God is a fundamental doctrine in world religion...
Islam affirms that the universe is a unity emanating from a single Will of the Sustaining Lord; and ...
Christians and Muslims both believe that there is only one God, but they differ over how this God is...
The concept, which assumed as consistent with Unity of Being (Pantheism) in the clerical terminology...
This study describes the difference in perspective about the One God in three religions, namely, Yau...
Islam affirms that the universe is a unity emanating from a single Will of the Sustaining Lord; and ...
Unity is a drive towards social stability of a country. Any society and the nation as a whole might ...
Is there similarities between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? If there, where is the similarity? A...
This article provides a concept of God in the Christianity. The concept is based on the Islamic pers...
The Christian Trinitarian doctrine was understood as Tritheism by the Qurʾān and Muslims, at least d...
This study is purposed to show how the Christian and Islamic concepts of monotheism are paradigms an...
This article provides a concept of God in the Christianity. The concept is based on the Islamic pers...
This article tries to observe the understanding of God in Christianity. The researcher chooses Chris...
The Quranic declaration of the oneness of God (tawhid) comes with a startling revelation that God is...