Increase of efficiency of the mechanized spraying of plants on the cranberry check of an industrial ...
Use of the processed materials in production of textile decorative production very profitably is lea...
The article defines the factors of agribusiness stable function: optimization of its structure; inte...
Khilo, Ya. P. Increasing the efficiency of commercialization of scientific research results as a fac...
Omelyanyuk, Alexander Mikhailovich. Application of micrologic systems of production organization as ...
The paper considers the problem of improving the competitiveness of Russian industrial holdings. Pro...
UA: Розкрито основні тенденції розвитку виробництва молока в Україні та запропоновано шляхи підвищен...
Nosichenko A. N. Improvement of technique and technology for processing by-products of the processin...
Kontsevich, Pavel Sergeevich. Optimization of the maintenance area of a motor transport enterprise u...
The possibility of production optimization using a linear programming model has been discussed in th...
Bondarenko A. V. Determination of the efficiency of using production potential forestry enterprises...
In this work factors are analyzed, which explain high espenses for production Ukrainian machine Prac...
Volkova, O. V.; Fatalieva E. V. Determination of the level of efficiency of production and economic ...
Increase of production safety of the tractor operator-driver of agricultural production on its workp...
Lysevskaya M.G. Innovation for competitive advantage potato processing enterprise
Increase of efficiency of the mechanized spraying of plants on the cranberry check of an industrial ...
Use of the processed materials in production of textile decorative production very profitably is lea...
The article defines the factors of agribusiness stable function: optimization of its structure; inte...
Khilo, Ya. P. Increasing the efficiency of commercialization of scientific research results as a fac...
Omelyanyuk, Alexander Mikhailovich. Application of micrologic systems of production organization as ...
The paper considers the problem of improving the competitiveness of Russian industrial holdings. Pro...
UA: Розкрито основні тенденції розвитку виробництва молока в Україні та запропоновано шляхи підвищен...
Nosichenko A. N. Improvement of technique and technology for processing by-products of the processin...
Kontsevich, Pavel Sergeevich. Optimization of the maintenance area of a motor transport enterprise u...
The possibility of production optimization using a linear programming model has been discussed in th...
Bondarenko A. V. Determination of the efficiency of using production potential forestry enterprises...
In this work factors are analyzed, which explain high espenses for production Ukrainian machine Prac...
Volkova, O. V.; Fatalieva E. V. Determination of the level of efficiency of production and economic ...
Increase of production safety of the tractor operator-driver of agricultural production on its workp...
Lysevskaya M.G. Innovation for competitive advantage potato processing enterprise
Increase of efficiency of the mechanized spraying of plants on the cranberry check of an industrial ...
Use of the processed materials in production of textile decorative production very profitably is lea...
The article defines the factors of agribusiness stable function: optimization of its structure; inte...