In Canada, Bog Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Lotus pinnatus, is confined to vernally wet meadows, creek margins, ditches and seepages, where underground water comes to the surface. Seven localities, within a small area on the east coast of Vancouver Island near Nanaimo, British Columbia, have been confirmed in recent years. At two others it is considered extirpated. The lack of protection on private land, alterations to hydrology, and erosion arising from intensive recreational use of primary habitat by off-road vehicles as well as the appearance of invasive, species are the main concerns for British Columbia populations
In Canada, Pacific Rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum) is restricted to the Skagit River draina...
Smooth Goosefoot (Chenopodium subglabrum) is restricted to North America and reaches its northern di...
Report 1 Overview: Defining critical habitat is required to inform recovery strategies for species a...
In Canada, Bog Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Lotus pinnatus, is confined to vernally wet meadows, creek margi...
In Canada, Seaside Birds-foot Trefoil, Lotus formosissimus, is restricted to the Victoria area on so...
In Canada, Prairie Lupine, Lupinus lepidus var. lepidus, is restricted to southeastern Vancouver Isl...
In Canada, Psilocarphus elatior occurs in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. This paper exa...
In Canada, the Small-flowered Tonella, Tonella tenella, is restricted to the west side of Saltspring...
In Canada, Lemmon's Holly Fern, Polystichum lemmonii, is restricted to the Baldy Mountain area on th...
In Canada, Stoloniferous Pussytoes, Antennaria flagellaris, is restricted to the Similkameen River v...
In Canada, Dwarf Woolly-heads, Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus, is restricted to the Simil...
In Canada, Triteleia howellii is restricted to Quercus garryana stands and grass-dominated meadows o...
In Canada, Slender Collomia, Collomia tenella, is restricted to the Princeton area in southwestern B...
In Canada, Pacific Rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum) is restricted to the Skagit River draina...
Smooth Goosefoot (Chenopodium subglabrum) is restricted to North America and reaches its northern di...
Report 1 Overview: Defining critical habitat is required to inform recovery strategies for species a...
In Canada, Bog Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Lotus pinnatus, is confined to vernally wet meadows, creek margi...
In Canada, Seaside Birds-foot Trefoil, Lotus formosissimus, is restricted to the Victoria area on so...
In Canada, Prairie Lupine, Lupinus lepidus var. lepidus, is restricted to southeastern Vancouver Isl...
In Canada, Psilocarphus elatior occurs in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. This paper exa...
In Canada, the Small-flowered Tonella, Tonella tenella, is restricted to the west side of Saltspring...
In Canada, Lemmon's Holly Fern, Polystichum lemmonii, is restricted to the Baldy Mountain area on th...
In Canada, Stoloniferous Pussytoes, Antennaria flagellaris, is restricted to the Similkameen River v...
In Canada, Dwarf Woolly-heads, Psilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus, is restricted to the Simil...
In Canada, Triteleia howellii is restricted to Quercus garryana stands and grass-dominated meadows o...
In Canada, Slender Collomia, Collomia tenella, is restricted to the Princeton area in southwestern B...
In Canada, Pacific Rhododendron (Rhododendron macrophyllum) is restricted to the Skagit River draina...
Smooth Goosefoot (Chenopodium subglabrum) is restricted to North America and reaches its northern di...
Report 1 Overview: Defining critical habitat is required to inform recovery strategies for species a...