Elymus violaceus (Hornem.) Feilbergélyme à glumes largesHigh wildryeBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. ChisholmSaddle at S. end of 3rd lake; gradient of white, grey, and red shale2243 mSaxifraga bronchialis, Pinus flexilis, Picea engelmanni
Erythronium grandiflorum Purshérythrone à grandes fleursyellow glacier lilyBovin LakeT. ChisholmE. s...
Salix discolor Muhl.saule discolorepussy willowBeaver Mines LakeT. ChisholmE. shore of lake1455Sheph...
Salix drummondiana Barratt ex Hook.saule de DrummondDrummond's willowBeaver Mines LakeT. ChisholmN.W...
Elymus violaceus (Hornem.) FeilbergHigh wildryeélyme à glumes largesBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. Chisho...
Carex phaeocephala Pipercarex à tête bruneDunhead sedgeBarnaby/Southfork LakesJ. GoldenSaddle at S. ...
Eriogonum androsaceum Benth.Androsace buckwheatériogone fausse-androsaceBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. Ch...
Carex albonigra Mack.carex blanc et noirBlack-and-white scale sedgeBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. Chishol...
Poa interior Rydb.pâturin continentalInland bluegrassBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. ChisholmSaddle at S. ...
Suksdorfia violacea A. Grayviolet suksdorfia;blue suksdorfia;violet mock brookfoamsuksdorfie violacé...
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.cystoptère fragileFragile fernBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. ChisholmS. e...
Erythronium grandiflorum Purshérythrone à grandes fleursyellow glacier lilyBovin LakeT. ChisholmE. s...
Salix discolor Muhl.saule discolorepussy willowBeaver Mines LakeT. ChisholmE. shore of lake1455Sheph...
Salix drummondiana Barratt ex Hook.saule de DrummondDrummond's willowBeaver Mines LakeT. ChisholmN.W...
Elymus violaceus (Hornem.) FeilbergHigh wildryeélyme à glumes largesBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. Chisho...
Carex phaeocephala Pipercarex à tête bruneDunhead sedgeBarnaby/Southfork LakesJ. GoldenSaddle at S. ...
Eriogonum androsaceum Benth.Androsace buckwheatériogone fausse-androsaceBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. Ch...
Carex albonigra Mack.carex blanc et noirBlack-and-white scale sedgeBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. Chishol...
Poa interior Rydb.pâturin continentalInland bluegrassBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. ChisholmSaddle at S. ...
Suksdorfia violacea A. Grayviolet suksdorfia;blue suksdorfia;violet mock brookfoamsuksdorfie violacé...
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.cystoptère fragileFragile fernBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. ChisholmS. e...
Erythronium grandiflorum Purshérythrone à grandes fleursyellow glacier lilyBovin LakeT. ChisholmE. s...
Salix discolor Muhl.saule discolorepussy willowBeaver Mines LakeT. ChisholmE. shore of lake1455Sheph...
Salix drummondiana Barratt ex Hook.saule de DrummondDrummond's willowBeaver Mines LakeT. ChisholmN.W...