In many countries, the current seismic design practice for concrete structures is based on the exploitation of the ductility capacity of some structural elements, such as beams in frame structures. This approach, even if theoretically able to guarantee life safety for the occupants of buildings, has recently been criticized because it might lead to extensive damage in structural elements. Damage that in many cases cannot be repaired. Therefore, this design practice might lead to limited resilience; as highlighted by many recent earthquakes (e.g. Christchurch earthquakes) the recovery process after strong seismic events may take years and have significant social and economic negative consequences. For these reasons different structural...
The unbonded posttensioned rocking and dissipative technology was first developed as the main outcom...
In this study the authors investigated experimentally the behaviour of prefabricated reinforced conc...
The unbonded post-tensioned rocking and dissipative technology was first developed as the main outco...
In many countries, the current seismic design practice for concrete structures is based on the explo...
Seismic events are a major factor to consider in structural design of buildings in many countries. W...
Conference ABSTRACT: During the past two decades, the focus has been on the need to provide communit...
During the past two decades, the focus has been on the need to provide communities with structures t...
It is fast becoming common practice for civil engineering infrastructure and building structures to ...
The level of structural damage and the associated economic impact caused by recent earthquakes world...
The recent Canterbury earthquake sequence in 2010-2011 highlighted a uniquely severe level of struc...
The magnitude of the economic losses sustained by communities subsequent to recent moderate and larg...
It is fast becoming common practice for civil engineering infrastructure and building structures to ...
University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. December 2016. Major: Civil Engineering. Advisor: Cather...
Despite their good performance in terms of their design objectives, many modern code-prescriptive bu...
Bridge structures are critical components of transportation networks. The seismic resistance of brid...
The unbonded posttensioned rocking and dissipative technology was first developed as the main outcom...
In this study the authors investigated experimentally the behaviour of prefabricated reinforced conc...
The unbonded post-tensioned rocking and dissipative technology was first developed as the main outco...
In many countries, the current seismic design practice for concrete structures is based on the explo...
Seismic events are a major factor to consider in structural design of buildings in many countries. W...
Conference ABSTRACT: During the past two decades, the focus has been on the need to provide communit...
During the past two decades, the focus has been on the need to provide communities with structures t...
It is fast becoming common practice for civil engineering infrastructure and building structures to ...
The level of structural damage and the associated economic impact caused by recent earthquakes world...
The recent Canterbury earthquake sequence in 2010-2011 highlighted a uniquely severe level of struc...
The magnitude of the economic losses sustained by communities subsequent to recent moderate and larg...
It is fast becoming common practice for civil engineering infrastructure and building structures to ...
University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. December 2016. Major: Civil Engineering. Advisor: Cather...
Despite their good performance in terms of their design objectives, many modern code-prescriptive bu...
Bridge structures are critical components of transportation networks. The seismic resistance of brid...
The unbonded posttensioned rocking and dissipative technology was first developed as the main outcom...
In this study the authors investigated experimentally the behaviour of prefabricated reinforced conc...
The unbonded post-tensioned rocking and dissipative technology was first developed as the main outco...