We obtain the conditions, which guarantee the existence of a stratifica of the solution of a stochastic Ito parabolic equation with power nonlinearities
Creation of the Russian register of patients with cystic fibrosis and participation in the program E...
The article presents the main directions of the centers of health of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). E...
Ми живемо в період інформаційної війни. Більшість людей знаходить під впливом Інтернету, телебачення...
To reveal the interrelation between the level of the fraktalkin plasma and indicators of the doppler...
The lecture presents an update on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis...
Human beta-defensins (hBDs) are small cationic antimicrobial peptides with multiple biologic activit...
Studying the minimal surfaces, we can gain the skills of their building, which is the main goal of o...
Studying the minimal surfaces, we can gain the skills of their building, which is the main goal of o...
Centrul de Sănătate Publică, municipiul Chişinău, Conferința științifico-practică cu participare i...
When developing any product, measures on ensuring the metrological support of its manufacture are ta...
Interpolation formulas of the Hermite and Newton types on a continual set of knots which depend on c...
The purpose of investigation is phase equilibria in the 1/2Dy2O3–SrO–1/2Fe2O3 system at 1100°C in ai...
У статті аналізуються методи викладання на уроках історії матеріалу з теми «Конотопська битва». Обґр...
Методологическим основанием данной статьи служат закономерности саморегуляции организма обучающегося...
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the frequency of isolation of multi-resistant Pseudomonas a...
Creation of the Russian register of patients with cystic fibrosis and participation in the program E...
The article presents the main directions of the centers of health of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). E...
Ми живемо в період інформаційної війни. Більшість людей знаходить під впливом Інтернету, телебачення...
To reveal the interrelation between the level of the fraktalkin plasma and indicators of the doppler...
The lecture presents an update on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis...
Human beta-defensins (hBDs) are small cationic antimicrobial peptides with multiple biologic activit...
Studying the minimal surfaces, we can gain the skills of their building, which is the main goal of o...
Studying the minimal surfaces, we can gain the skills of their building, which is the main goal of o...
Centrul de Sănătate Publică, municipiul Chişinău, Conferința științifico-practică cu participare i...
When developing any product, measures on ensuring the metrological support of its manufacture are ta...
Interpolation formulas of the Hermite and Newton types on a continual set of knots which depend on c...
The purpose of investigation is phase equilibria in the 1/2Dy2O3–SrO–1/2Fe2O3 system at 1100°C in ai...
У статті аналізуються методи викладання на уроках історії матеріалу з теми «Конотопська битва». Обґр...
Методологическим основанием данной статьи служат закономерности саморегуляции организма обучающегося...
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the frequency of isolation of multi-resistant Pseudomonas a...
Creation of the Russian register of patients with cystic fibrosis and participation in the program E...
The article presents the main directions of the centers of health of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). E...
Ми живемо в період інформаційної війни. Більшість людей знаходить під впливом Інтернету, телебачення...