Vignetten kommen zunehmend in qualitativen Studien zum Einsatz, bei denen es um Themen geht, die aufseiten der Forschenden ethische Aufmerksamkeit und Sensitivität erfordern. In diesem Beitrag befasse ich mich mit methodologischen Fragen, die mit der Nutzung von Vignetten einhergehen. Ich greife dabei insbesondere auf ein Forschungsprojekt zurück, bei dem es um Erfahrungen südasiatischer Mütter mit der Unterstützung ihrer Kinder gegangen ist, die infolge einer Beeinträchtigung einer besonderen Erziehung bedurften. In dem Projekt habe ich den Teilnehmerinnen sieben Vignetten u.a. zur Rolle von Religion, Kultur, Gender und Migration präsentiert. Entlang ihrer Antworten diskutiere ich in diesem Artikel die Anwendbarkeit zweier methodologischer...
Qualitative research can, and sometimes should, utilize fictional representations, particularly when...
In this paper we explore how interpretation is dealt with by researchers using a vignette methodolog...
BACKGROUND: Vignettes are short stories about a hypothetical person, traditionally used within resea...
Vignettes are increasingly used within qualitative studies to research difficult topics, requiring e...
Vignettes are increasingly used within qualitative studies to research difficult topics, requiring e...
Trotz ihrer langen Verwendung fehlt eine dezidierte Beschäftigung qualitativer Sozialforschung mit V...
Vignettes are short depictions of typical scenarios intended to elicit responses that will reveal v...
The use of vignettes that are based upon fictionalised accounts is well-established in contemporary ...
There seems to be relatively little scholarship on the use of vignettes in qualitative research, des...
There seems to be relatively little scholarship on the use of vignettes in qualitative research, des...
Vignettes are hypothetical scenarios of many forms that are presented to interviewees in qualitative...
Vignettes refer to stimuli, including text and images, which research participants are invited to re...
Text-based vignettes are widely used within qualitative social work research yet there is little gui...
BACKGROUND: Developing and working through a PhD research study requires tenacity, continuous develo...
BACKGROUND: Developing and working through a PhD research study requires tenacity, continuous develo...
Qualitative research can, and sometimes should, utilize fictional representations, particularly when...
In this paper we explore how interpretation is dealt with by researchers using a vignette methodolog...
BACKGROUND: Vignettes are short stories about a hypothetical person, traditionally used within resea...
Vignettes are increasingly used within qualitative studies to research difficult topics, requiring e...
Vignettes are increasingly used within qualitative studies to research difficult topics, requiring e...
Trotz ihrer langen Verwendung fehlt eine dezidierte Beschäftigung qualitativer Sozialforschung mit V...
Vignettes are short depictions of typical scenarios intended to elicit responses that will reveal v...
The use of vignettes that are based upon fictionalised accounts is well-established in contemporary ...
There seems to be relatively little scholarship on the use of vignettes in qualitative research, des...
There seems to be relatively little scholarship on the use of vignettes in qualitative research, des...
Vignettes are hypothetical scenarios of many forms that are presented to interviewees in qualitative...
Vignettes refer to stimuli, including text and images, which research participants are invited to re...
Text-based vignettes are widely used within qualitative social work research yet there is little gui...
BACKGROUND: Developing and working through a PhD research study requires tenacity, continuous develo...
BACKGROUND: Developing and working through a PhD research study requires tenacity, continuous develo...
Qualitative research can, and sometimes should, utilize fictional representations, particularly when...
In this paper we explore how interpretation is dealt with by researchers using a vignette methodolog...
BACKGROUND: Vignettes are short stories about a hypothetical person, traditionally used within resea...