In the mid-1950s, Japan’s Daihachi Oguchi revived the taiko piece Suwa Ikaduchi, which had traditionally been played at the Nagano Prefecture Suwa Shrine. Until then, the song was played by a single male drummer for ritual at the shrine, a common use of Japanese drums throughout history. Oguchi made changes to the music, creating an ensemble of drums that emulated the Western drum kit, resulting in a new musical genre, which we now refer to as “taiko” in English. Nearly 60 years later, this musical form has spread across the globe with great popularity. The main points of this thesis are to clarify the distinct reference to an historic past required to discuss taiko within Hobsbawm’s theory of invented tradition, to present individuals a...
TaikOz have for twenty years pioneered taiko and shakuhachi music in Australia to international accl...
Although taiko drumming in America has been investigated by various researchers, from many different...
The Japanese religion, Tenrikyo, has a well-established reputation as one of the oldest 'new' Japane...
The significance of Taiko in Japanese culture is far beyond being a percussion instrument. “Taiko” a...
In old Japan, taiko, literally "big drum", was used as a battlefield instrument to provide...
This dissertation is a musical history of wadaiko, a genre that emerged in the mid-1950s featuring J...
This document is a study of the history, instruments, transmission method and performance practices ...
Taiko drumming has been a Japanese cultural art form from as early as the fifth century. A taiko bo...
Established and active taiko (Japanese drumming) groups in New Zealand have a relatively short histo...
By composing original works for kumi daiko, a Japanese group drumming musical style, I answer questi...
Taiko bungas vienmēr ir bijušas daļa no Japānas kultūras un dati par tām meklējami jau no 5. gs. Tās...
Japanese taiko ensemble drumming, known in Japan as kumi-daiko, is an art form that has only taken s...
Most scholarship on American taiko, or Japanese ensemble drumming, concerns itself with the original...
This thesis is a survey of the development and dissemination of kumi-daiko ensembles in Canada, wit...
Taiko, the art of drumming, has grown into a powerful cultural performance that constructs Japanese ...
TaikOz have for twenty years pioneered taiko and shakuhachi music in Australia to international accl...
Although taiko drumming in America has been investigated by various researchers, from many different...
The Japanese religion, Tenrikyo, has a well-established reputation as one of the oldest 'new' Japane...
The significance of Taiko in Japanese culture is far beyond being a percussion instrument. “Taiko” a...
In old Japan, taiko, literally "big drum", was used as a battlefield instrument to provide...
This dissertation is a musical history of wadaiko, a genre that emerged in the mid-1950s featuring J...
This document is a study of the history, instruments, transmission method and performance practices ...
Taiko drumming has been a Japanese cultural art form from as early as the fifth century. A taiko bo...
Established and active taiko (Japanese drumming) groups in New Zealand have a relatively short histo...
By composing original works for kumi daiko, a Japanese group drumming musical style, I answer questi...
Taiko bungas vienmēr ir bijušas daļa no Japānas kultūras un dati par tām meklējami jau no 5. gs. Tās...
Japanese taiko ensemble drumming, known in Japan as kumi-daiko, is an art form that has only taken s...
Most scholarship on American taiko, or Japanese ensemble drumming, concerns itself with the original...
This thesis is a survey of the development and dissemination of kumi-daiko ensembles in Canada, wit...
Taiko, the art of drumming, has grown into a powerful cultural performance that constructs Japanese ...
TaikOz have for twenty years pioneered taiko and shakuhachi music in Australia to international accl...
Although taiko drumming in America has been investigated by various researchers, from many different...
The Japanese religion, Tenrikyo, has a well-established reputation as one of the oldest 'new' Japane...