Lactobacillus Acidophillus Stimulates The Activation of Nfκ-Β and DMP-1 Odontoblast like Cells in The Dentinogenesis Process

  • Ira Widjiastuti
  • Dian Agustin Wahjuningrum
  • Widya Saraswati
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Publication date
January 2017
Universiti Technologi Malaysia


Lactobacillus acidophilus obtained from dentin caries and produces organic acids resulting in decalcification of dentin. On the process of dentinogenesis is active but will decrease in secondary dentinogenesis. Invasion of the bacteria causing the onset of the immune response by forming odontoblast dentin reparative, indicated by an increased expression of DMP-1, but the mechanism of the formation of dentin is still unclear. The purpose of this study is to show the odontoblast cell like exposure to Lactobacillus acidophilus expression against NFκβ and DMP 1. Pulp tissue is taken from the third molar of teeth that have been extracted then exposed to Lactobacillus acidophilus and expression of NFκβ and DMP 1 measured using imunocytochemistry ...

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