Ab initio phasing using molecular envelope from solution X-ray scattering

  • Hao, Q
  • Dodd, FE
  • Hasnain, SS
  • Grossmann, JG
Publication date
January 1999
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)
Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography


Solving the phase problem is the crucial and quite often the most difficult and time-consuming step in crystallographic structure determination. The traditional methods of isomorphous replacement (MIR or SIR) and molecular replacement require the availability of an isomorphous heavy-atom derivative or the structure of a homologous protein, respectively. Here, a method is presented which utilizes the low-resolution molecular shape determined from solution X-ray scattering data for the molecular search. The molecular shape of a protein is an important structural property and can be determined directly by the small-angle scattering technique. The idea of locating this molecular shape in the crystallographic unit cell has been tested with exper...

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