Nicotine is a Selective Pharmacological Chaperone of Acetylcholine Receptor Number and Stoichiometry. Implications for Drug Discovery

  • Lester, Henry A.
  • Xiao, Cheng
  • Srinivasan, Rahul
  • Son, Cagdas D.
  • Miwa, Julie
  • Pantoja, Rigo
  • Banghart, Matthew R.
  • Dougherty, Dennis A.
  • Goate, Alison M.
  • Wang, Jen C.
Publication date
March 2009
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)


The acronym SePhaChARNS, for “selective pharmacological chaperoning of acetylcholine receptor number and stoichiometry,” is introduced. We hypothesize that SePhaChARNS underlies classical observations that chronic exposure to nicotine causes “upregulation” of nicotinic receptors (nAChRs). If the hypothesis is proven, (1) SePhaChARNS is the molecular mechanism of the first step in neuroadaptation to chronic nicotine; and (2) nicotine addiction is partially a disease of excessive chaperoning. The chaperone is a pharmacological one, nicotine; and the chaperoned molecules are α4β2* nAChRs. SePhaChARNS may also underlie two inadvertent therapeutic effects of tobacco use: (1) the inverse correlation between tobacco use and Parkinson’s dise...

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