In regards to the inheritance of the moulting character, two theories have been advocated hitherto. One is the multiple-allelomorphic theory of OGURA (\u2732, \u2733), the other being the theory of duplicate factors of NAKAMURA(\u2732). By suggestion of Prof. Dr. Y. TANAKA the present work has been undertaken by the author, and \u27the following results have been obtained.1. 眠性の遺傳現象は3眠>4眠>5眠の關係にあり, 3眠と4眠とのF2は3眠と4眠とを3:1に, 4眠と5眠とのF2も4眠と5眠とを3:1に, 3眠と5眠とのF2は3眠と4眠と5眠とを兩因子雜種比の變型に示す。2. 眠性は品種的に其の強さを異にし弱種の3眠蠶は上述(1)の如き典型的分離を示さず種々の異常分離比を示す。從つて後代に於て共の複雜性を増加する。3. 眠性遺傳は遺傳的には脱皮ホルモン因子と變態ホルモン因子なる二種の主因子と之を左右する變更因子との假定により説明される。而して變態ホルモン因子は肉色繭因子と聯關があるものと考へられる。4. 脱皮竝に變態兩ホルモン因子は量的價値を異にし, 然も相拮抗的に働くものと考へられる。即ち眠性遺傳は量的竝に質的差異によつて説明される
Abstract: Genetic variability, heritability and correlation analysis for some important economic cha...
An investigation was undertaken to study the narrow sense heritability (h2) of eighteen genotypes of...
The problem of artificial control of sex has become important for the genetics and selection of many...
During the course of genetic studies on the moulting character, the writer has reached an opinion si...
In the silkworm, the presence of the hormones concerning moult and metamorphosis has been demonstrat...
This report is a detailed account of the following first three major points regarding all the contri...
A number of strain of the silkworm differing from the standpoint of the egg shape, are being reared ...
The domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, has long served as a model for lepidopteran biology. Its rel...
学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 藤原 晴彦, 東京大学教授 片岡 宏誌, 東京大学教授 瀬筒 秀樹, 東京大学准教授 鈴木 雅京, 産総研主任研究員 二橋
クチナシの葉を食害するオオスカシバ幼虫の多型現象は幼虫期における生息密度に依存しておこり, また低温は褐色出現に影響を及ぼすことをさきに報告したが, 本実験では, 5令期幼虫体色, 発育期間および死亡...
Simultaneous infection of CIV and nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of the silkworm, Bombyx mori occu...
The decomposition of pepton in silk-worm tissues increased several hours after the injection of poly...
A diallel analysis for filament length in six varieties of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. having a wide ra...
Genetics has reached certain conclusions as to the nature of the germ-material that have an importan...
We established a genetic linkage map employing 518 simple sequence repeat (SSR, or microsatellite) m...
Abstract: Genetic variability, heritability and correlation analysis for some important economic cha...
An investigation was undertaken to study the narrow sense heritability (h2) of eighteen genotypes of...
The problem of artificial control of sex has become important for the genetics and selection of many...
During the course of genetic studies on the moulting character, the writer has reached an opinion si...
In the silkworm, the presence of the hormones concerning moult and metamorphosis has been demonstrat...
This report is a detailed account of the following first three major points regarding all the contri...
A number of strain of the silkworm differing from the standpoint of the egg shape, are being reared ...
The domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, has long served as a model for lepidopteran biology. Its rel...
学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 藤原 晴彦, 東京大学教授 片岡 宏誌, 東京大学教授 瀬筒 秀樹, 東京大学准教授 鈴木 雅京, 産総研主任研究員 二橋
クチナシの葉を食害するオオスカシバ幼虫の多型現象は幼虫期における生息密度に依存しておこり, また低温は褐色出現に影響を及ぼすことをさきに報告したが, 本実験では, 5令期幼虫体色, 発育期間および死亡...
Simultaneous infection of CIV and nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) of the silkworm, Bombyx mori occu...
The decomposition of pepton in silk-worm tissues increased several hours after the injection of poly...
A diallel analysis for filament length in six varieties of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. having a wide ra...
Genetics has reached certain conclusions as to the nature of the germ-material that have an importan...
We established a genetic linkage map employing 518 simple sequence repeat (SSR, or microsatellite) m...
Abstract: Genetic variability, heritability and correlation analysis for some important economic cha...
An investigation was undertaken to study the narrow sense heritability (h2) of eighteen genotypes of...
The problem of artificial control of sex has become important for the genetics and selection of many...