Although albatrosses are paradigms of oceanic specialization, their foraging areas and migration routes when not breeding remain essentially unknown. Our continuous remote tracking of 22 adult gray-headed albatrosses for over 30 bird-years reveals three distinct strategies: (i) Stay in breeding home range; (ii) make return migrations to a specific area of the southwest Indian Ocean; and (iii) make one or more global circumnavigations (the fastest in just 46 days). The consistencies in patterns, routes, and timings offer the first hope of identifying areas of critical habitat for nonbreeding albatrosses, wherein appropriate management of longline fisheries might alleviate the plight of the world's most threatened family of birds
Telemetry methods and remote sensing now make it possible to record the spatial usage of wide-rangin...
Satellite-tracking of wide-ranging, apex marine predators, combined with remote-sensing, can be used...
The ability to move and forage efficiently plays a major role in determining the fate of individuals...
Albatrosses are known for their extreme navigation performance enabling them to locate isolated bree...
Albatross populations are currently in decline around the world. Survival and reproduction of these ...
The use of miniaturized electronic tracking devices has illuminated our understanding of seabird dis...
Many large marine vertebrates are today threatened by human activities and it is therefore crucial t...
Many birds show a surprising degree of intraspecific variability in migratory tendency and choice of...
1. A wide range of instrumentation has been deployed on albatrosses and petrels at Bird Island, Sout...
This is the first comprehensive study of at-sea activity patterns of albatrosses during the nonbreed...
The highly mobile wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) are adapted to navigate the extreme envir...
Satellite telemetry was used to identify the foraging distributions of three congeneric species of a...
The highly mobile wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) are adapted to navigate the extreme envir...
Telemetry methods and remote sensing now make it possible to record the spatial usage of wide-rangin...
Telemetry methods and remote sensing now make it possible to record the spatial usage of wide-rangin...
Telemetry methods and remote sensing now make it possible to record the spatial usage of wide-rangin...
Satellite-tracking of wide-ranging, apex marine predators, combined with remote-sensing, can be used...
The ability to move and forage efficiently plays a major role in determining the fate of individuals...
Albatrosses are known for their extreme navigation performance enabling them to locate isolated bree...
Albatross populations are currently in decline around the world. Survival and reproduction of these ...
The use of miniaturized electronic tracking devices has illuminated our understanding of seabird dis...
Many large marine vertebrates are today threatened by human activities and it is therefore crucial t...
Many birds show a surprising degree of intraspecific variability in migratory tendency and choice of...
1. A wide range of instrumentation has been deployed on albatrosses and petrels at Bird Island, Sout...
This is the first comprehensive study of at-sea activity patterns of albatrosses during the nonbreed...
The highly mobile wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) are adapted to navigate the extreme envir...
Satellite telemetry was used to identify the foraging distributions of three congeneric species of a...
The highly mobile wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) are adapted to navigate the extreme envir...
Telemetry methods and remote sensing now make it possible to record the spatial usage of wide-rangin...
Telemetry methods and remote sensing now make it possible to record the spatial usage of wide-rangin...
Telemetry methods and remote sensing now make it possible to record the spatial usage of wide-rangin...
Satellite-tracking of wide-ranging, apex marine predators, combined with remote-sensing, can be used...
The ability to move and forage efficiently plays a major role in determining the fate of individuals...