Concepts on Correction of the Musculoaponeurotic Layer in Abdominoplasty

  • Nahas, Fabio Xerfan
  • Ferreira, Lydia Masako
Publication date
July 2010
Elsevier BV
Clinics in Plastic Surgery
Citation count (estimate)


The musculoaponeurotic layer of the abdominal wall should be corrected during abdominoplasty according to the specific deformity that the patient presents with in this article, the anatomic basis of deformities and defects of the abdominal wall is described. Different degrees of deformities secondary to pregnancy are described as well as congenital muscle malposition These conditions should be treated in specific ways so that the most efficient correction can be achieved and no recurrence will occur in cases of associated incisional hernias, the components separation technique can be considered for abdominal wall reconstruction and 2 alternative techniques of dissection of myoaponeurotic components are described for the correction of specif...

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