"Yakakuteikinsho" was written by Fujiwara no Koreyuki and it\u27s the first treatise on calligraphy in Japan. Koreyuki is the sixth in the Sesonji lineage. Fujiwara no Yukinari, the founder of the Sesonji linage, is known as a calligrapher who mastered Japanese-style calligraphy. His progenitors had been in the center of political power and secured their standing through the relationship with the imperial family during the mid-Heian period. Although their political power gradually weakened till the generation of Koreyuki, their post as the calligrapher in the imperial court remained. The calligrapher\u27s duty was important and performed only by males. However, Koreyuki endowed his daughter, Kenreimon- in Ukyo no Daibu (\u27Ukyo no Daibu\u2...