Studies on plant aspartate transcarbamylase: regulatory properties of the enzyme from mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) seedlings

  • Savithri, H. S.
  • Vaidyanathan, C. S.
  • Appaji Rao, N.
Publication date
January 1978
Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Aspartate transcarbamylase (EC 2·1·3·2) purified from mung bean seedlings was used as a model to understand the mechanism of allosteric regulation. The enzyme exhibited homotropic interactions with carbamyl phosphate. Preincubation of the enzyme with aspartate abolished the sigmoidicity of the carbamyl phosphate saturation curve. UMP was the most potent inhibitor of the reaction and was noncompetitive with respect to aspartate. The sigmoidicity of carbamyl phosphate saturation curves increased with increase in UMP concentration. These results were analysed by an iterative least squares procedure. There was no change in Vmax values with increase in the UMP concentration, although the K0.5 values (concentration of carbamyl phosphate required ...

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