A/HRC/22/59 GE.13-10627 43 (156,801 in Turkey,e 200,350 in Jordan,f 218,663 in Lebanon,g 73,150 in Iraq, 13,873 in Egypt and 5,417 in North Africa.h 5. The situation for Syria’s 500,000 Palestine refugees is precarious. UNRWA, the UN Agency for Palestine refugees, estimates that 400,000 Palestine refugees across Syria are now in urgent need of assistance and 17,000 have approached UNRWA for assistance in Lebanon and there are reportedly 3300 in Jordan.i It is essential that the principle of non-refoulement by neighbouring States be ensured. 6. The humanitarian situation has deteriorated alarmingly. The number of casualties is on the rise. In December, the OHCHR reported 60,000 deaths since March 2011 based on an external assessment of figur...