S/2016/738 36/98 16-14788 Annex III Kafr Zita, 18 April 2014 Findings of the OPCW Fact-Finding Mission in the Syrian Arab Republic 1. The Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) concluded that the information collected constituted “a compelling confirmation that a toxic chemical was used as a weapon, systematically and repeatedly, in the villages of Talm[e]nes, Al-Tamanah, and Kafr Z[i]ta in northern Syria. The descriptions, physical properties, behaviour of the gas, and signs and symptoms resulting from exposure, as well as the response of the patients to the treatment, leads the FFM to conclude, with a high degree of confidence, that chlorine, either pure or in mixture, is the toxic chemical in question.” (S/2015/138, page 24, paragraph 29) 2. “Kafr Z...