A/RES/66/253 B 6 Follow-up 21. Requests the Secretary-General and all relevant United Nations bodies to provide support for the efforts of the Joint Special Envoy to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis; 22. Requests the Secretary-General to report within fifteen days on the implementation of the present resolution. 124th plenary meeting 3 August 201
The international community must recognize these realities — and act, with unity and collective will...
S/2018/234 2/2 18-04262 As States Members of the United Nations, we must all be dedicated to impleme...
S/RES/2319 (2016) 16-20444 3/3 8. Requests the United Nations Secretary-General, in coordination wit...
A/RES/66/253 3 11. Requests, in this context, the Secretary-General and all relevant United Nations ...
A/RES/67/262 The situation in the Syrian Arab Republic 8/8 30. Requests that the Secretary-General, ...
S/RES/2042 (2012) 12-29528 3 authorities, to cooperate fully with the United Nations and relevant hu...
S/RES/2043 (2012) 12-30591 3 subject to assessment by the Secretary-General of relevant developments...
S/RES/2393 (2017) 17-22870 5/5 3. Requests the Syrian authorities to expeditiously respond to all re...
A/71/L.48 16-22462 3/3 of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and also requests t...
S/2018/484 18-08050 17/21 strengthened support for my Special Envoy, who continues to seek a meaning...
humanitarian situation in Syria, in particular providing the necessary assistance for Syria's neighb...
United Nations S/2012/142 Security Council Distr.: General 8 March 2012 Original: English 12-25601 (...
S/RES/2118 (2013) 13-48923 13/13 (d) Action Group members urge the opposition to increase cohesion a...
4/16/2018 Secretary-General's briefing to the Security Council on Syria [as delivered] | United Nati...
S/2012/71 2 12-21903 Annex League of Arab States The Secretary-General 22 January 2012 Sir, In the c...
The international community must recognize these realities — and act, with unity and collective will...
S/2018/234 2/2 18-04262 As States Members of the United Nations, we must all be dedicated to impleme...
S/RES/2319 (2016) 16-20444 3/3 8. Requests the United Nations Secretary-General, in coordination wit...
A/RES/66/253 3 11. Requests, in this context, the Secretary-General and all relevant United Nations ...
A/RES/67/262 The situation in the Syrian Arab Republic 8/8 30. Requests that the Secretary-General, ...
S/RES/2042 (2012) 12-29528 3 authorities, to cooperate fully with the United Nations and relevant hu...
S/RES/2043 (2012) 12-30591 3 subject to assessment by the Secretary-General of relevant developments...
S/RES/2393 (2017) 17-22870 5/5 3. Requests the Syrian authorities to expeditiously respond to all re...
A/71/L.48 16-22462 3/3 of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and also requests t...
S/2018/484 18-08050 17/21 strengthened support for my Special Envoy, who continues to seek a meaning...
humanitarian situation in Syria, in particular providing the necessary assistance for Syria's neighb...
United Nations S/2012/142 Security Council Distr.: General 8 March 2012 Original: English 12-25601 (...
S/RES/2118 (2013) 13-48923 13/13 (d) Action Group members urge the opposition to increase cohesion a...
4/16/2018 Secretary-General's briefing to the Security Council on Syria [as delivered] | United Nati...
S/2012/71 2 12-21903 Annex League of Arab States The Secretary-General 22 January 2012 Sir, In the c...
The international community must recognize these realities — and act, with unity and collective will...
S/2018/234 2/2 18-04262 As States Members of the United Nations, we must all be dedicated to impleme...
S/RES/2319 (2016) 16-20444 3/3 8. Requests the United Nations Secretary-General, in coordination wit...