United Nations S/2012/394 Security Council Distr.: General 5 June 2012 Original: English 12-35991 (E) 060612 060612 *1235991* Letter dated 4 June 2012 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Observer Mission of the League of Arab States to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council I have the honour to transmit herewith a letter addressed to you from H.E. Nabil Elaraby, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, regarding resolution No. 7507 concerning the situation in Syria, dated 2 June 2012, which was adopted by the Council of the League of Arab States at its extraordinary session held at the ministerial level in Doha (see annex). Pursuant to Article 54 of the Charter of the United Nations, I shou...