u NX ‘/ISRSITT GQUKGjlL LlBEAi^ CuMiv.XTTfilE. k:> HiNUTiiS I* .* &33> 19 ^'2- A meeting of the Library Committee was held at 9 April 1st* Present were Kies Fair, Dr* lutros, Dr* Boktor Mr* Hanson* 43* The Librarian reported on student exhibitions in the Library, the new Lar&ex system and on the progress of the -ojihornore Library examination. 44* The Librarian presented a revised sot of figures as a basis for the distribution of book funds. The figures are to be completed and presented at the next meeting* 43* The Committee approved the sale of second hand books belonging to the Lioraty• 46* The Committee was again informed by the Librarian that students are using the Library during Assembly time but decided not to take any action to...