Thursday May 17, 1990 AUC Board of Trustees - LE Investment Committee Minutes Meeting of the LE Investment Committee The American University in Cairo Meridian House International 2:30pm Trustees Attending: Mr. Hedlund, Mr. Hyde(Chainnan), Mr. McCloy, Mr. Kelberer, Mr. Kruger, Dr. Lamont, Mr. Snaith 1. The agenda was approved as presented. 2. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. 3. Investment Updates - Cairo Beverages & Industrial Co., S.A.E. - Sales were less than anticipated last year and another loss was recorded, due in part to increased competition. A capital increase is under review. Arab Aluminum S.A.E. - The audited financials for 1989 showed a net profit of LE4.6 million on net sales ofLE47.7 million. Arab Aluminum's Board...