THE 1;'V.ERICf\~ UNIV SlTY IN CAIRO Min~tes of the A~n~al M 2 e~ing of the Finance Co~nittee ~:ay 29, 1980 The Ri ve-r Cl u'b, New York City Present: Messrs. Hannon, Hedlund, O'Connor, Pedersen, Robinson, Stone, Winder. 1979/80 Budget--Stewardship Report. Mr. Robinson summarized the written report (attached) noting that there are no major changes to report since the February meeting. The ~mportance of timely financial reports was stressed by the Committee. Dr. Pedersen said that computerization is the key here and he will make it a top priority. He predicted that it would take 1 1/2 years to accomplish thi-s. There was a discussion of transfers to quasi endowment and working capital and the distinctions between them. It was confirmed that t...