A--S--S-- -E- -T- -S. CURRENT FUNDS (Note 1): UnrestrictedCash (Note 2) Accounts receivable~ less allowance for doubtful accounts of $7,111 and L . E.16,348 Inventories at the lower of cost (first -in~ first - out) or market less an allowance for obsolescence of L.E. 42~934 Prepaid expenses and deposits Due from other funds Restricted- Cash (Note 2) Accounts receivable Total unrestricted Total restricted Total current funds ENDOWMENT AND SIMILAR FUNDS (Note 1): Cash (Note 2) Loans receivable, including L.E.13~500 from certain shareholders of a subsidiary Investments, at the lowest of cost, fair value at date of gift or market, less an allowance for market value decline of $220,342 (quoted market, $2,054,206; cost or fair value at date of g...