I. I I ..,,---- THE At-1ER I CAN UN I VERS I TY IN CA I RO Comparative Statement of Ope r ations, Including the Budget for 1968/69 and the Proposed Budget for 1969/70 Includes Pou nds and Dol lars Income and Expenses ACT U A L BUD GET Proposed for 1967/68 1968/69 1968/69 1969/70 CAIRO POUND AND DOLLAR STATEMENT ,- 0eerating Income - Student Tuition and Fees $ 344,210 $ 429,230 $ 348,837 $ 430,232 Contributions and Research 203,568 159,081 21,381 132,861 Auxiliary Enterprises 96,414 169,346 146,511 183,721 Miscellaneous Income 23,998 29,626 23,256 27,907 $ 668,190 $ 787,283 $ 539,985 $ 774,721 U.S. Go~ent Grants 1,291,988 1,989,767 1,996,140* 2,288,372 $1,960,178 $2,777,050 $2,536,125 $3,063~093 Trustees Appropriations 432,353 560,403 591,74...