- - -. 1964-65** Operatiens Budget 1964-65 threugh 1967-68 A. Expenditures 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 In Cairo Operating Cests $731,628 $809,139 $896,963 $1,210,0'47 Salaries & Wages 647,209 $1,378,837 973,296 $1,782,435 1,200,814 $2,097,777~ 1,767,402* $2,977,449* In U.S.A. Salaries, etc. 67,067 Interest Payments 22,887 Operating Cests 61,255 Purchases fer Univ.133,479 Del1ar Expenditures fer University but(230,026) acceunted in Caire 70,000 25,000 64,326 150,000 284,688 (235,000) 70,000 70,000 20,000 15,000 60,000 60,000 16~,OOO 175,000 309,326 (410,000) 310,000 (550,000) 320,000 Tetal Current Expenditures $1,663,525 $2,091,761 $2,407,777 $3,297,449 * ** The increase in Caire expenditures ef about $900,000 between the years 1966-67 and 1967...