s I Appendix C I Appendix D I· Exec .. Com 7/15/60-p.2. the Dummer the efforts of the President. Mr. Pott~r. and Mr . Holt' who had been appointed Vice Presidont ~ Financial DevelopBent at the last meeting of the Board of Trustoes .. Status ot Land Sale _ Mr . Holtz reviGwed the aevelopl! l.an1. of the sale of the Pyrall.id& Road site a~ 80+ forth in Appendix C. The University holds full possession ot the land until payment of all the nots8 hils beon completod. Kr. Ga.rrlttt 8uggas-&.od thnt a complete accountl.ll& be propared showing the .full cost of the subu' ban property to the UniV8i's1ty. and urgad tha.t pl·' cEled trom t he sale be used first tor paymant of Ob:Ll._ gat.ions on the propertY' includ.ing loans fro. th61 endowment fund....