-,: V Appendix E THE A ERICALI UNIVERSITY AT CAIRO Statement of Income and Expenditures for the Year ending; Au just 31, 1957 .I._N...._ COE _E Account Number Classification 101-109 Tuition and Fees 112-118 Laboratory Fees 122-129 Incidental Fees 130 Extension Programs 131-134 Diploma Fees 146 Ford Fdn. for Social Res Center Other Restricted Gifts 151-159 Sales d Services of Educ Depts 161-166 Other Sources 167 Gifts and Endowment in the U.S. 171 all House Inccme 172 Cafeteria. Income 173 Bookshop Income 174 Farn Income 182 Student Aid Total Income Recapitulation of Incozmie and Ex )endituree' Total Expenditures Total Income Net Deficit for 1956-57 Egyptian P juncí€ Dollars 35376.908 l021180 70 1183, 540 3416.39 2709.950 7822.50 364.720 105...